NOAA 2010 : Cold Winters In Europe Tied To Greenhouse Gases

Climate models are amazing. They can predict mutually exclusive behaviour without any consequence to the operator!

“Cold and snowy winters will be the rule, rather than the exception,” says Dr James Overland of the NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in the United States. Dr Overland is at the International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference (IPY-OSC) to chair a session on polar climate feedbacks, amplification and teleconnections, including impacts on mid-latitudes.

Loss of sea ice causes major climate change

Continued rapid loss of sea ice will be an important driver of major change in the world’s climate system in the years to come.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to NOAA 2010 : Cold Winters In Europe Tied To Greenhouse Gases

  1. Latitude says:

    Selling global warming – in places where no one lives – is going to be really hard when people are freezing their rears off……………

    This winter might just erase all of the global warming so far

    • RalphC says:

      Not a scientist here, but isnt that exactly the definition of a negative feedback? CO2 causes warming that increases snow that increases the albedo and that causes more sunlight to reflected into space that causes the planet to cool. Taken to its logical conclusion, CO2 will cause the next ice-age.

  2. Petrossa says:

    All goes to show being a selfcentred egotist like myself is the best way. I’ll be long dead by the time even their worst ‘predictions’ come true. Apres moi la deluge. It’s good feeling.

    • Justa Joe says:

      You should be dead ten times over already if you believed every prediction from every krank that came along.

      Heck, According to much lauded ‘scientist’ and climate change gad fly Paul Ehrlich the UK shouldn’t even exist right now.

  3. maguro says:

    They can save a lot of money by replacing all that fancy climate-modeling equipment with one of these. Should free up money for more community organizers or something.

  4. suyts says:

    lol, covering all bets again. So, what happens when we have warm dry winters for a few consecutive years? And, we, assuredly, will again.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    They are trying to say that whatever happens, it’s due to global warming. That way they can’t lose!

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