NSIDC Shows Antarctic Spring/Summer Sea Ice Above Normal For Two Straight Years

Antarctic ice anomalies are located at lower latitudes than Arctic ice anomalies, so they have a larger effect on the Earth’s radiation budget – by reflecting sunlight back into space. Global sea ice anomalies cool the planet.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to NSIDC Shows Antarctic Spring/Summer Sea Ice Above Normal For Two Straight Years

  1. co2insanity says:

    And to think I was up at 2AM watching an infomercial and bought a mile of of beach front land in Antarctia because they said that Hansen assured them it would be the Miami Beach of the future.

    • Mike Davis says:

      I got 200o acres of prime land for a mountain side resort there. Gav and Co forecast I will be bringing in my Pineapple crops in the next ten years!

  2. PJB says:

    Obviously those cherries that were picked must have been rotten! 😉

  3. MikeA says:

    How preposterous, next you’ll be claiming that melting sea-ice in the northern hemisphere can effect the radiation budget!

    • If you don’t have anything intelligent to say – why bother?

    • Don'tBSMe says:

      What are you talking about, it’s only about -50 C there? What could possibly make you think it could melt?

      Beautiful thing is it’s buffered. When there is no ice, the ocean is giving off it’s heat. When there is ice, the ocean is insulated. All in beautiful balance. CO2 has little net effect in the north.

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