Pearl Harbor Day

2,400 Americans died that day.

We should honor them by getting rid of the remaining useless socialist wankers who have taken over the government and press since the 1960s.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Pearl Harbor Day

  1. The people that run Time are the same lot that run most of the media and government in the USA. They are the over indulged, spoiled brat, Baby Boomers. They were over indulged by parents who spent 4 years sacrificing so they could win WW II then felt they didn’t want their children to suffer the way they had to for those 4 years. The unintended consequences of that over indulgence is that those children never matured into adults. They became the 60’s Generation that rebelled against “the man”. All the protesting in the streets in the 60’s and early 70’s was spoiled brats throwing a fit until they got their way.

    In reality “the man” is discipline. Discipline is avoided at all costs by most of the Baby Boomer generation because the parents of Baby Boomers instilled that reaction to discipline into them like Pavlovian conditioning. How very unfortunate for the USA that a major factor that helped them win WW II, discipline, came to be viewed as something to be avoided.

    Now America has been stuck with that generation, and it’s enabling parents who still foster their rebellion against “the man”—enabling parents like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, and George Soros. You can actually see Nancy Pelosi acting like an enabling mother of a spoiled brat child to Barak Obama.

    The President spends his time playing basketball and golf, and going on one vacation after another, all the while there are enormous problems to be addressed. How perfectly this epitomizes an avoiding-discipline-generation—ne’er a sacrifice—just like their parents wanted.

    How spoiled is the Baby Boomer generation? The very thing that allows them the freedom to be a spoiled child, i.e., winning WW II, is the very thing they use to compare global warming, and anything else their immature minds confront when a feeling of discipline arises, to.

    Soon a new generation that is not so spoiled as the Baby Boomers will be in charge in America. And finally, at long last, we won’t have to see adults on tv and in covers of magazines, sitting on the floor in front of us throwing continual temper tantrums.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    You are one generation long in your evaluation. It was the generation that were produced by those born between 1940 and 1960 who were the start of the pampered generations and the PC Pampering is still happening. I constantly read about a patent being charged with child abuse for talking loudly to their children when attempting to correct them or giving them a swat to get their attention. I still have scars from the attention getting methods of my parents and I am one of the Baby Boomers. We rebelled and said no more of that for our offspring and spoiled some starting the entitlement Gaia worshiping movements.
    The first time I met Harry Reed I formed an opinion that has not changed to this day and I became politically active on any campaign that was opposing him. I first met him in 1968 and have not talked to him since.

  3. peterhodges says:

    gee a great first step in the war on global warming would be ending our current real wars. i wonder what their carbon footprint is?

    alas the powers that be would never consider it….perpetual wars and the carbon scam are both meant to line their pockets with our earnings.

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