Real Climate Explains That Cold Winters Used To Be Due To Cold, But Are Now Caused By Heat

There seems to be no limit to the willingness of these people to soil themselves, in pursuit of keeping the story alive.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Real Climate Explains That Cold Winters Used To Be Due To Cold, But Are Now Caused By Heat

  1. Mike Davis says:

    If the CLB was not crying that the Sky Is Falling then people would be told we are experiencing normal weather variations.
    In that situation Surrealclimate would have no purpose to exist and puppets like GAV and co. would have no jobs.

  2. Alan Simpson says:

    I honestly suspect that GAV and Co. will find their funding curtailed presently and, hopefully, they will be wondering the streets with boards saying the end of the world is nigh.

    • Scott says:

      Don’t bet on it anytime soon. Their job security is probably much higher than we’d prefer.


    • Gator says:

      Hey Alan! If it were not corrupt politicians doling out our dollars I would probably agree with you. Too bad we the people do not hold the purse strings, then things would be very different.

  3. Layne Blanchard says:

    what will he switch to when the Arctic starts growing again?

  4. Brian G Valentine says:

    At some point, articles like this will include discussions of what the authors really feel:

    “You people out there reading this, you’re so stupid, you’ll believe this, won’t you. As long as it ‘sounds like’ there’s some ‘science’ to this, it will make some sort of ‘sense’ to your non-existent ‘brains,’ and we’ll continue on for ever like this. HA HA HA.”

    • Mike Davis says:

      That sounds like you are describing the fan boys at Surrealclimate, airhead, Wabbet Wun, and the other sites that are in denial of reality!

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        Followers of some of the cult leaders are nastier than others, aren’t they.

        In order of real nasty people, my experience has shown me that Rabbit’s followers are the nastiest people (on Earth), followed by followers of Tamino the “magic flute player,” followed by Romm’s cultists, followed by readers of that nasty serial divorcee, Huffington, followed by Real Climate cultists.

        Maybe I just get this picture because Gavin won’t print any of my comments and so I don’t get any sickening feedback from his flunkys.

      • Mike Davis says:

        This is GAV describing his fan boys:
        “You people out there reading this, you’re so stupid, you’ll believe this, won’t you. As long as it ‘sounds like’ there’s some ‘science’ to this, it will make some sort of ‘sense’ to your non-existent ‘brains,’ and we’ll continue on for ever like this.

        The Chicken Little Brigade has been going on like this for a few years. I got involved on the web in 06 after I retired as I could not be bothered with the CLB at work and usually stopped them in their tracks when they would start.

  5. Ralph says:

    At 8:10 PM EST Fairbanks Alaska was -31F. Where’s the Arctic heat?

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