“Rivers Of Blood”



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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29 Responses to “Rivers Of Blood”

  1. Latitude says:

    and this is a very advanced old culture……

    Why are these people not considered savages?

  2. omnologos says:

    Steven – there’s millions of “them Muslims”. Guess what…some are truly stupid. An enormous majority, they aren’t. What are we going to do about it?

    How about…what are you going to do about people that believe that all Americans are evil, because they’ve heard of some evil Americans?

    I come originally from Calabria, an area in Italy that is also home to a particularly nasty form of Mafia. Guess what…where there’s thousands and thousands of people from Calabria, there’s also those from the Mafia. What am I supposed to do about that minute minority?

  3. omnologos says:

    And btw…if that was a traditional “Muslim” family, and the father and brother inspired to attempted murder by religious feelings, what was the daughter doing playing a secondary but highly-visible character in a major movie production in the first place?? I wonder if there’s more to this story.

    • suyts says:

      Agreed, it doesn’t work. In my mind, anyway.

      Omnologos, I understand your point. But, I think its misleading to draw a parallel to mafia actions with extremist jihad actions and I’m pretty sure you can see several differences if you desired to do so. Covert to overt actions, motivations, statements to the specifics vs random, etc…..

      Also, the same with the murderer that killed the doctor in Wichita. I don’t know what his motivations were, but I doubt they were based in religious views. I’m not Catholic, so perhaps the doctrine has changed, but church is sacrosanct. While it isn’t explicitly stated in most protestant faiths, the same thought is prevalent. Violence in a house of worship isn’t accepted. It is refuge. It is redemption. It is peace. Anyone that was so religiously convicted as to cause violence towards that man would have waited for his exit from the church. But it is interesting that you would draw that parallel. I would like to illustrate a difference. As you noted, there are millions of Muslims that are not violently pursuing some ideal theological state. Just as there are millions of anti-abortionists not violently pursuing some ideal theocracy here. Here’s the difference. When murders like the one in Wichita happen or a bombing of an abortion clinic (years apart), the first ones to vehemently condemn the murder are anti-abortionists. While I don’t share their same convictions regarding abortion, I can speak with first hand knowledge. When events such as thwarting of jihad bombings occur, what do we hear? Crickets chirping.

    • Latitude says:

      You’re all over the place with this.

      No religion requires that doctors get shot, or that anyone join the mafia.

      Burying women and stoning them, killing their daughters, etc etc are Sharia “law”.
      Sharia “law” requires that these things are done.
      This father, knowing he would go to prison, was still required by Sharia law to kill his daughter.

      • omnologos says:

        Latitude – “Sharia” law is a much more complex subject than usually presented via newspapers. It isn’t too different from the US practice of letting Justices interpret the practice of the Constitution…only thing, imagine if there were different versions of the Constitution where to choose from…

        For the time being suffice it to say that there isn’t anything inherently “Sharia”-compliant in killing one’s daughter. Actually, any action like that, if decided by the father/brother without consultation with the recognized religious guides, it’s definitely contrary to “Sharia”.

        For millennia, Christians have been telling each other about “Thou shalt not kill” whilst happily killing each other. It’s the same thing, really.

      • Latitude says:

        “For millennia, Christians have been telling each other about “Thou shalt not kill” whilst happily killing each other. It’s the same thing, really.”
        You seem to be creating every kind of strawman you can.

        I’m sorry, but killing people because of books or articles they write, killing people because of cartoons, killing thousands of innocent people ON PURPOSE, targeting innocent people ON PURPOSE

        You may think you can justify that as civilized, I don’t.

        These are the kinds of things that animals do, savages…

        and they do actually do it happy

      • glacierman says:

        Omnologos Said:

        “Actually, any action like that, if decided by the father/brother without consultation with the recognized religious guides, it’s definitely contrary to “Sharia”.”

        So, recognized religious guides can give them the o.k. to kill her. I don’t remember learning who could give me the o.k. if I needed to protect my family’s honor by killing someone in my church. We were taught killing someone was a sin.

  4. RoyFOMR says:

    Looks like Enoch wasn’t too far out with his words. OK, he was totally mistaken about the ethnicity of the blood-letters but his understanding that irreconcilable cultural differences would lead to mindless violence was, sadly, spot on.
    The difference between what he thought would happen and what is happening is that, in the former, both sides came to a mutual understanding and agreement.
    Inflexible religious ideology takes no prisoners. Softly, softly approaches that has worked in the past is worse than useless against dogmatic and adamant zealotry.
    Weakness, of response, will not staunch the flow but exacerbate it.
    Sadly, many will be sacrificed on the PC altar before the political establishment comes to its senses.
    Alas, but as always with the terminally indecisive navel-gazers, too little and too late.

  5. RoyFOMR says:

    Having said that, however, the Red and Grey Squirrels seem to be getting on together pretty well.

  6. omnologos says:

    There was anti-Chinese sentiment in the 1880’s in the USA, and even a bill proposed (passed?) to keep their immigration in check. I guess every epoch has its climate chicken littles, just like every epoch has its Enoch Powells.

    There is nothing PC in pointing out how generation after generation of people considered wholly-incompatible with the host society have ended up as part of that same society.

  7. omnologos says:

    There’s one thing I don’t understand though. Why are there so many relatively-new fathers among the “martyrs”?

    Paraphrasing Sting, I hope the jihadists love their children too…

  8. MikeTheDenier says:

    Latest Terror Threat in US Aimed to Poison Food

    Exclusive: The Dept. of Homeland Security Uncovered a Plot to Attack Hotels and Restaurants Over a Single Weekend


  9. He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.

    Genesis 16:12

  10. Latitude says:

    omnologos says:
    it doesn’t mean the Pope should be declared guilty.
    The Pope doesn’t go around issuing a fatwa to kill people

  11. Latitude says:

    omnologos says:
    For millennia, Christians have been telling each other about “Thou shalt not kill” whilst happily killing each other. It’s the same thing, really
    You can’t say that without using the “past tense”,
    Everything I’ve said, I’ve used the “present tense”

    Fatwa’s, stoning women, honor killing, targeting innocent people, beheadings, using children as suicide bombers, you name it………..all in the “present tense”.

    Here’s a present tense for you.

    In today’s world, these a backward, fourth world, animals, savages………….

  12. Latitude says:

    omnologos says:
    it doesn’t mean the Pope should be declared guilty.
    and one more thing
    No Catholic woman has ever been beaten to death or put in prison and tortured for not wearing a cross…

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