Sfgate : Snowstorm Caused By Evil Republicans

Looks like they need to re-open Alcatraz as a mental health institution.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Sfgate : Snowstorm Caused By Evil Republicans

  1. suyts says:

    Its San Fran, they blame everything on republicans. Even people that aren’t repubs.

  2. Baa Humbug says:

    …said David Sirota as he brushed sand out of his hair and ears…

  3. PhilJourdan says:

    What an idiot! Bllomberg is as much a republican as Hillary Clinton is. The only reason he became one was to get elected and then quickly dropped the party.

    People of hate, like THEIR religion, do not have any rational reason – just the hate. Way to go Sirota. You have proven that even brainless wonders can put words together to form sentences. Of course there is no mention of intelligence since none was exhibited.

  4. Latitude says:

    anti-tax and budget cutting was exactly why I voted for them……….

    NO, is a good thing

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    The NYC snowstorm was so unusual that it couldn’t even break the daily snowfall record set 63 years ago.

  6. Sundance says:

    It seems from the comments many readers are questioning Mr. Sirota’s knowledege of weather and climate. lol

    “Just more bullshet from an idiot who profits from the scare tactics employed by the global climate change people. ”

    “This is nonsense and you should know better.”

    “Those same attendees of the East Anglian Church of the Algorians were saying the same thing about hurricanes not too long ago. Get real.”

    It appears that Mr. Sirota and the SFC are not being taken all that seriously.

  7. Mike Davis says:

    The “Me” generation wants every one else to do the work and pay for more government services. If New York had not spent money on mitigation or even listened to Chicken Little idiots like this they may have been better prepared. However it is not important as Shit happens and with major storms there will be disruptions. What is the cost benefit of being over prepared? Why did the Idiots want to travel during a major storm and block the responders when they abandoned their vehicles? The public could have picked up shovels to clear a portion of their streets to speed the recovery process instead of waiting for government agencies to step in and clear the streets for them.

    • peterhodges says:

      well said mike.

      we have become a nation of infants, reliant on the nanny state. that’s the way they want it…i am sure in the city if people tried to do something for themselves they would probably get a citation for being in the street or assaulted by cops or obstruction or something. you must rely on the experts!

      things are different in the country, huh?

      • That sounds like a fairly precise definition of how things go where I live.

      • peterhodges says:

        i believe it steven, i have seen it with my own eyes….welcome to the totalitarian state: if you do nothing, you get a ticket for breaking a “good samaritan” law. if you try to help, you get assaulted and charged with obstruction or assaulting an officer!

        i was lucky i never had a bad run in with the police, but i have seen plenty.

        glad i live in the middle of nowhere now. mostly laid back cops who are your neighbor, and we have to do lots of stuff ourselves.

        we had a fire, and people came out to help shovel the hydrant etc, and someone asked if i needed help and i said, “well if you can pull some 2 and half inch hose over to emilio” and sure enough he dragged a hundred-something feet of supply line over to the other engine. and he didn’t get beat up by a cop for getting in the way….

  8. Andy Weiss says:


    Very good post.


  9. Layne Blanchard says:

    A number of stories out now suggest the slow cleanup was possibly a union protest.

    Sirota has clearly jumped the shark into full on psychosis. “Anti-Tax, Budget Cutting Religion” ?????

    …As he sings a favorite number from the Climate Change Hymnal:

    Amazing Trace, of CO2, controls the rising Sea!
    I once was lost, but now I’m found, I sold my S.U.V!

  10. Dr. Killpatient says:

    Liberals are just pissed because most of them don’t believe in hell, which of course is where conservatives belong for allowing all the baby seals to roast to death.

  11. Pingback: More Of “Globull Warming Causes Snow”, Part Whatever » Pirate's Cove

  12. James Evans says:

    “Though no single mega-storm is the fault of climate change, scientists agree that weather – including snow patterns – will become more intense as the planet’s ecosystem is transformed by human-produced pollution. So while New York’s near-record snowstorm may not be the direct result of unbridled carbon emissions, powerful storms like it will undoubtedly be more frequent thanks to our head-in-the-sand attitude toward the environment.”

    I’d like to nominate this as the stupidest thing ever written on the subject of global warming. It’s cretinous on so many levels.

    What exactly is “intense weather”?
    Who exactly are the “scientists” who agree that intense weather is caused by pollution? (Names please, so we can laugh at them later.)
    If the current storm is not directly due to carbon emissions, why will we have more of them due to carbon emissions? (This, I would say, is the single stupidest thing ever uttered on this subject.)
    When did the C02 I breathe out become pollution?
    In what way is the planet’s ecosystem being “transformed”?

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