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“Should the press start investigating to discover the truth, or promote bad science?”
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IDK, it is much fun to make MSM look ridiculous while exposing flaws in the warmistas logic. If the press actually started doing its job, then we’d have to find something else they refuse to investigate.
The press should do what the press does best; promote bad science.
Maybe the mainstream media is still united on a ‘conspiracy’ to report nothing but items supporting AGW, but this unity is becoming more fragile each day. Everyone knows how fickle the media is, and how they are ultimately driven to out-scoop each others for ratings gains. If they smell blood in the water about this entire so-called crisis being in imminent collapse, they will turn on each other and the AGW promoters in a heartbeat, no doubt with yells of being hoodwinked or assuming other news outlets had initially checked the voracity of the science everyone else relies on. It could get spectacularly ugly.
They could start by blaming each other for never checking the voracity of the accusation against skeptic scientists going back to 1996: “How an Enviro-Advocacy Group Propped Up Global Warming in the MSM” http://bigjournalism.com/rcook/2010/11/02/how-an-enviro-advocacy-group-propped-up-global-warming-in-the-msm-a-nov-2-election-connection/
Is it corruption, stupidity or insanity? Probably a healthy dose of all three.
The answer is: Climate Change Seminars
The press has been systematically brainwashed by climate seminars organized by the UN and the World Meteorological Organization, Met Office and even big Press Agencies like Reuters.
Also read the comments for further links
We have to stop thinking this is not a conspiracy.
It is a conspiracy and all involved have been bribed and brainwashed.
It’s a quasi-religious system of belief. Conspiracies are more clandestine.