Leif says that changes in solar activity don’t significantly affect the climate.
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I have been reading that since he first started posting at CA. His conversations with Erl Happ were enlightening.
In case you have not visited:
This is just another point of view regarding what drives climate from a farmer in Australia!
it’s only a coincidence…coincidence number 642, but only a coincidence
Well within the error bars for an IPCC report! 😉
I thought gorebal warmcold, uhhh. climate change……uhhhh…climate disruption was suppose to cause droughts so severe the entire world, especially Australia, would dry up and die.
Guess not…
Australia floods larger than France strand 200,000
In Australia, one of the driest continents, a growing population and drying climate is challenging environmental scientists, water managers and politicians to find short and long-term solutions to the growing crisis. And answers are not cheap or easy, often being social problems that require political action.
The statistics alone are frightening. Of the water available for Australians to use, one quarter of the rivers and lakes are already used for drinking, industry and agriculture, and one third of underground water is being pumped to the surface and used for the same purposes.
If you ask Australia’s national science agency, the CSIRO, about climate change, the outlook is bleak. By 2030 rainfall on the major capitals (except Hobart) could drop by 15 per cent. According to the 2001 report, Climate Change Projections for Australia, Perth could loose up to 20 per cent of rainfall. At the same time, rising temperatures will increase evaporation, further reducing water supplies in dams, rivers and reservoirs.
In another recent scientific report by the same agency, which examines water price implications for each of Australia’s main cities and regions in 25 years’ time, the real price of water could skyrocket.
hah!! They were right about the price of water skyrocketing.
It has been skyrocketing because our state govts. were advised by alarmists like Tim “flim flam” Flannery to build multi billion dollar desal plants.
So they duly did. Now they are sitting idle, their pipes rusting apparantly (can you believe it, pipes rusting) and my state govt. of Queensland has mothballed the half built desdal plant here but it’s still costing us as if it was operating ($300,000 per day I think) and the one in Victoria had to stop construction due to rain haha ha.
In the meantime, giga giga litres of water is flushing out to the oceans and not a single new dam to catch any of it for future use. It’s a travesty Kev.
But never fear, I’m sure at some stage we’ll pump all that water BACK OUT from the oceans and desalinate it at great cost.
Frig’n idiots.
CSIRO is unfortunately captured by money and politics, for which I avoid doing work with them. This happened some years ago when an edict that they must obtain 30% of their funding from non governmental sources came out. It changed the culture overnight, and CSIRO people suddenly became money chasers. They had no choice, it was that or be made redundant. It is no surprise to me that they have been captured by the AGW meme, since that is where guaranteed funding is most certain. That also explains all the press releases – they have to maintain their essential importance to Australia or lose their funding.
Unfortunately the data shows CO2 to have only a small effect, roughly 0.1-0.15C/century. Solar influences are much larger. I fear for the future that when this actual science finally slays the meme that CSIRO will be gutted. I will be sad about that, but why oh why do they put all their climate eggs into one basket? Sigh.
This lack of any significant solar maximum is actually a bit scarey, given the extreme cold around the world.
and planetary AP was down to ZERO again last week.
but don’t worry, the sun does not effect the climate!
and the thing about leif is that he relies on the “temperature guys” like most other scientists. of course hadcrut and giss are going to show no correlation with solar acitvity….they are constantly rewritten, and of course, it’s the hottest year ever!
Leif says that changes in solar activity don’t significantly affect the climate.
What’s more than that are the commenters who literally say things like, “I’m going to wait to see what Leif has to say about this……..” on every post about the sun.