“there’s still a chance to save polar bears”

Republicans want to kill the last bear this winter, but may not succeed.

Climate change optimism
Our view: U.N. talks may not have produced binding accords, but there’s still a chance to save polar bears — and human lives
December 22, 2010
The best news to be found on the climate change front this month was a report that the polar bear, a threatened species that has come to symbolize the dangers of global warming, may yet be saved — if greenhouse emissions are reduced over the next two decades.

Unfortunately, that’s a big “if.” International climate talks that ended early this month in Cancun produced no legally binding agreement. They weren’t expected to — nor is the stalemate expected to break in the near future. Negotiators are keeping expectations low for next year’s United Nations-sponsored conference in South Africa.

Between the failures of diplomacy and the post-midterm-election rightward shift in the U.S. Congress, where Republican denial of climate change science appears to be at an all-time high, a person might be tempted to head to the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore this winter to bid the species a fond farewell. (How fortunate that for the first time in five years, the zoo will have January and February hours. Tickets are still available.)


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to “there’s still a chance to save polar bears”

  1. Sandy Rham says:

    “denial of climate change science ”
    Absolutely right! It is the so-called science associated with climate-change that I deny is science.

  2. Brian G Valentine says:

    What about sea turtles freezing off the Eastern Seaboard? Don’t they get their own pity party and focus group?

    I’m not exactly certain what kind of social engineering they would be used to inspire, but there must be SOMETHING

  3. Latitude says:

    kill the bears……..
    …….save the seals

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    It’s all the fault of straight, white males in pickup trucks that vote Republican!

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      Like me, for example. I’ve tried to gin up some remorse but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

      But I can blame my genes and I guess that makes it OK

  5. Dave N says:

    Isn’t interesting that they never actually say how polar bear populations are faring right now, and how they have coped in ice-free periods in the past?

  6. peterhodges says:

    here’s one for the anti-TSA crusade

    An airline pilot is being disciplined by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for posting video on YouTube pointing out what he believes are serious flaws in airport security.


    note he is an army reserve aviator!

    • Latitude says:

      Peter, and not one word about the southern border………

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        Drug gang bangers at the Border can claim they are “fighting to preserve indigenous culture” and it kind of gives them an out.

        good night

      • peterhodges says:

        ya i guess it’s obvious none of it has anything to do with security!

        combined with your observation, that is your prima facie evidence that there is no ‘war on terror’ as sold in the press

        it’s more like a war on us…

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