“Throughout the year, evidence of climate change mounted. Pakistan experienced its worst floods since 1929”

Climate changing! Worst floods since 1929! Damn that CO2.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to “Throughout the year, evidence of climate change mounted. Pakistan experienced its worst floods since 1929”

  1. Alan Simpson says:

    Yup, it’s bad, bad, bad. What caused the, presumably, worse floods in 1929 one wonders?

  2. R. de Haan says:

    The process we’re in: Contraction and convergence

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Alan Simpson says:
    December 29, 2010 at 4:59 pm
    Yup, it’s bad, bad, bad. What caused the, presumably, worse floods in 1929 one wonders?

    The same process that caused the current floods.

    The entire science behind AGW has failed.

  4. Dan Zeise says:

    Unfortunately, I do not believe there is any science behind Global Warming, Climate Change or Global Climate Disruption. Accordingly, the science did not fail, only the proponents.

    How funny that global warming is responsible for the December snow across the NH contrary to all previous claims of warmer and less snowy winters.

    Tom Nelson posted a link on his site today from the Taiwan News Channel related to the lowest number of northwestern Pacific Ocean typhoons since 1958. The killer statement was that “The meteorologist attributed the low number (of typhoons) mainly to stronger high-pressure systems caused in part by global warming.” So, although global warming was claimed to cause more cyclones and hurricanes, global warming now causes less typhoons.

  5. Dave N says:

    I’m sure the MSM have absolutely no clue as to what it means when they say “worst x since y”. Unfortunately a lot of their readers don’t either, including politicians

  6. Nonoy Oplas says:

    From Pakistan to India to China, Japan, S. Korea, HK, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, global warming hits hard Asia this year, http://funwithgovernment.blogspot.com/2010/12/global-warming-hits-asia.html

  7. Alan Simpson says:

    Nonoy Oplas says:
    December 29, 2010 at 11:41 pm
    From Pakistan to India to China, Japan, S. Korea, HK, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, global warming hits hard Asia this year

    Well Nonoy, I read they article at the link and I am, sadly, none the wiser for it. How about you give a synopsis of what you think you are reporting?

    From what I can gleen from local reports in the counties you list they are all experiencing 100 year record cold have I missed something you are failing to mention?

  8. Andy Weiss says:

    1929 must have been a vintage year for CO2!

    • DEEBEE says:

      I have always thought that listening to warmists explain heating and cooling with AGW was like listening to CNBC market analysts explaining the zigs and zags of the markets. They would take a few proximate facts and fluff them up to explain the present. Now here is my second data point – the market crash in 1929 was due to CO2.

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