Time To Disband The UN

The UN has made it clear again that totalitarian power is their goal.

The United Nations is considering whether to set up an inter-governmental working group to harmonise global efforts by policy makers to regulate the internet.

Establishment of such a group has the backing of several countries, spearheaded by Brazil.

At a meeting in New York on Wednesday, representatives from Brazil called for an international body made up of Government representatives that would attempt to create global standards for policing the internet – specifically in reaction to challenges such as WikiLeaks.

The Brazilian delegate stressed, however, that this should not be seen as a call for a “takeover” of the internet.

Exactly- if people see it for what it is, they will fight back. That is why the UN wages a constant battle to keep everyone in the dark.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Time To Disband The UN

  1. Paul H says:

    “specifically in reaction to challenges such as WikiLeaks.”

    The EU has a long history of not letting crises go to waste and use each one to accumulate more power.

    The UN will do the same.

  2. hempster says:

    Maybe it’s time for US citizens to start writing letters to your new representatives in congress and suggesting stopping payments to UN?
    The harm done by UN to people of the world is only comparable to the deeds of the communist party of soviet union…

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    The Internet is dangerous to the establishment because it gives a voice to people like us and allows us to interact with like-minded people who are resisting their brainwashing. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if there was some Government attempt to “regulate” the Internet.

  4. suyts says:

    They hate freedom.

  5. omanuel says:

    We now know that formation of the UN on 24 OCT 1945 was immediately followed by the insertion of falsehoods into the foundations of stellar and nuclear physics in an apparent attempt to forbid public knowledge of the energy that destroyed Hiroshima on 6 AUG 1945: Neutron Repulsion

    1. Neutron repulsion allows stars to make and discard H (hydrogen) to interstellar space. Stars do NOT form out of interstellar H (hydrogen) and generate most of their energy by H-fusion. That is the first (#1) falsehood.

    2. Neutron repulsion causes cores of heavy atoms, some planets, ordinary stars and galaxies to emit neutrons or fission. Neutron attraction is the second (#2) falsehood.

    See: “Solar energy,” Adv. Astronomy (submitted for on-line review, 6 Jan 2015)

  6. Gail Combs says:

    From WIKI

    ….The United Nations Headquarters complex was constructed in stages with the core complex completed between 1948 and 1952. The Headquarters occupies a site beside the East River, on 17 acres (69,000 m2) – or 18 acres depending on sources [6]- of land purchased from the foremost New York real estate developer of the time, William Zeckendorf, ?Sr. Nelson Rockefeller arranged this purchase, after an initial offer to locate it on the Rockefeller family estate of Kykuit was rejected as being too isolated from Manhattan. The US$8.5 million (adjusted by inflation US$83.4 million) purchase was then funded by his father, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who donated it to the city.[7] Wallace Harrison, the personal architectural adviser for the Rockefeller family, and a prominent corporate architect, served as the Director of Planning for the United Nations Headquarters. His firm, Harrison and Abramovitz, oversaw the execution of the design.[8]

    In His book Memoirs David Rockefeller even wrote:
    “Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” (page 405)

    • omanuel says:

      Arrogance is a close companion of ignorance, as demonstrated by the quote from David Rockefeller.

      He is not at fault. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. David had the misfortune of having too much financial power and little or no spiritual wisdom.

      • Gail Combs says:

        Oliver, True evil walks this earth. I have met it on occasion and that is why I will not forgive those who delight in cause pain to others.

  7. Gail Combs says:

    Suggestions RFC 1149 and RFC 2549 Under certain circumstances these methods have been found faster than the normal internet.

    (Message is from Hubby whose friend is an author of several RFCs)

  8. Gail Combs says:

    More to the point is Don Eastlake’s RFC 3675

    This is the RFC that should be sent to all our Congress Critters.

  9. Marvin Arbiton says:

    The UN is like an interfering, nosey neighbour, serving no good to anyone – irritating at best and a complete pain in the posterior..

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