Unstable Climate : 831 Days Since A Hurricane Hit The US

Romm and Masters warn us that the climate is becoming dangerously unstable.

It has now been 831 days since the US was struck by any hurricane, and 6,695 days since the US was hit by a category 5 hurricane.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Unstable Climate : 831 Days Since A Hurricane Hit The US

  1. Mike Davis says:

    This is the reason I do not use or even go to Masters’ site

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    The most intense hurricane in US history was the Labor Day Hurricane that hit the Florida Keys in 1935, central pressure 26.35″.

    It has even been 41 years since the 2nd most intense US hurricane, Camile along the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1969, 26.61″

  3. Dave N says:

    Yeah, but the models show they’re going to *become* worse.. don’t you know anything??

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      Exactly how that might happen via their theory is a bit of a mystery, since if the Arctic warms (to excess of everything south of it) then the pressure difference between the North Pole and Equator decreases

      and therefore so do Northern Latitude winds.

      This must have a Brenda Eckwurzel-style “it sounds counter-intuitive BUT …” type of explanation attached to it that I am unaware of

      (and don’t care to listen to, either)

    • jose says:

      what models ????

  4. Don'tBSMe says:

    From Real Climate Story “Cold winter in a world of warming”:rasmus @ 14 December 2010
    ‘ The 2010 hurricane season this year, by the way, was quite active.’

    There you go…it’s in print so it must be true. 🙂


  5. Justa Joe says:

    Guys like Jim Hansen, Joe Romm, and the late Steve Schneider are climate catastrophy junkies, and the wildly exaggerated claim of impending calamity is like pure heroin to them. Right now these guys are main lining the equivalent of pure unadulterated heroin with all of the money provided for them by Uncle Sam & Uncle Soros.

  6. omnologos says:

    they mean, compared to what we’ve been experiencing of late, chances are the future climate will be more unstable

    problem is, they’ve been repeating that for a loooong time..

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