virtually all climate researchers “are now convinced that global warming poses a clear and present danger to civilization.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to virtually all climate researchers “are now convinced that global warming poses a clear and present danger to civilization.”

  1. suyts says:

    yeh, except for the 1000 or so that aren’t.

  2. suyts says:

    How many “climate” scientists are there, really? No, I’m not talking about a biologist that whines about rats being susceptible to “climate change”, I’m talking about real scientists engaged in discovery of the various facets of our climate. How many?

  3. chris y says:

    There is a typo in the headline, I think. It should read-

    All virtual-climate researchers “are now convinced that global warming poses a clear and present danger to civilization.”

  4. Mike Davis says:

    This is from the Ice Corer that does not archive his data and provides different results from the same core to different researchers. He is also one of Brother Al’s advisers for the AIT fantasy movie.

  5. Paul H says:

    Apparently Lonnie Thompson still thinks Kilimanjaro is losing its glacier because of global warming.

    Maybe an academic life rots the brain. I can’t see most of these “scientists” lasting 2 minutes if they took a job in industry.

    • peterhodges says:

      in my experience industry is not so different from acadamia. and military really works pretty much the same way.

      the above bureaucracies abhor competency, and you advance your career by covering your supervisors ass.

      i would say our civilisation is doomed.

  6. Andy Weiss says:

    During the last 20 years, we have not had heat or drought in the Central US even remotely approaching the summers of the 1930’s. Waterloo, IA has set only one daily high temperature record in July since 1940. No DC monthly high temperature record set in the months June thru September since 1930. So the empirival evidence of looming catastrophe is not very great.

  7. rw says:

    A problem that’s brought into high relief by this and similar statements is that people in privileged positions can make OTT pronouncements knowing that they won’t have to pay a price if they are wrong. Just as US congressmen can pass laws that make no sense economically without having to pay a price when their foolishness leads to serious disruption (cf. Thomas Sowell’s Housing Boom and Bust). It’s all part of the pervasive frivolousness of our times.

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