Smaller snowpacks. It is very likely that more winter precipitation will fall as rain instead of snow, periods of snowpack accumulation will be shorter, and snowpacks will be smaller.
Can’t they raise taxes to stop this?
Last year? Not! This year? Not! How many years of above normal snowfall will it take to shut these people up? Oh, OK now above normal snowfall is a result of global warming!
Exactly! Just like they’ve said all along. Normal weather is proof of CAGW!
“Can’t they raise taxes to stop this?”
lol, I’m sure its on the agenda.
But these guys need to get with the program. It is now a well known fact that CAGW causes more snow.
Is time to start writing “letters to the editor” of these newspapers and magazine asking for follow-up articles?
I noticed that the UK Met is now claiming they had forecast a cold start to this winter. I don’t recall reading any such forecast, but it sure would be nice to be able to document some of the contradictory statements from these “experts”.
If they will allow an unedited letter, it probably may be time. If……..
Hey Steven, this is interesting good old news, they were using the term ‘climate disruption’ back in 2005!