Challenging Cycling Conditions

We had a Chinook earlier in the week which melted all the ice off the roads. This was followed by a cold front yesterday afternoon that dropped an inch of snow and  turned into black ice on the roadways.

My ride home from work was on the ice, with a 30 mile an hour gusty cross wind and wind chills below zero F. Keeping a bicycle upright in those conditions is interesting – to say the least.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Challenging Cycling Conditions

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Even on a mountain bike! We have a mile long stretch of road that gets a little afternoon sun in winter. Friday it had just started thawing at 4:30 when we were driving home from town. Lucky for us the county was just spreading fine gravel on the road in front of us but it was still slippery. There was a time when I road two wheeled vehicles and have felt the sliding sensation! I have the scars from road burn to show for it also!

  2. BioBob says:


    we got 5 inches of snow after the multiday chinook

    of course we put ski’s and snowshoes on our bicycles here in montana

  3. slimething says:

    How far do you live from work? Do you ever drive a car to work?

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    My biking horror story: I was peddling up a steep hill, late for a final exam. Was in a standing position on the pedals going all out. Suddenly, a pedal snapped clean off. I flipped over the bke and dislocated my hip.

    • Bruce of Newcastle says:

      At least you didn’t break it, like Tim Kopra the other day. I think he can trump your story: its not every day you get kicked off the last ever space shuttle flight because you fell off your bike.

      My chore for today is to ride down to my local bike shop and get pedals replaced myself, since the right hand one has started to click annoyingly. Still not too bad after about 5,000 k worth of pedalling on that set.

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    Reminds me of my cycling days in Frankfurt am Main! 😉

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