No Pretense Of Veracity

The global warming machine has turned into a 24×7 source of unmitigated bullshit.

Snow in 49 states is now due to heat. Is that any less stupid than claiming the Earth is flat?




About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to No Pretense Of Veracity

  1. I agree. Posted a comment on the ABC website, pretty much the same. Snow and record low temps are due to global warming?

    They’re obsessed; they just can’t give it up.

  2. Latitude says:

    Just a few years ago, global warming was only making every thing warmer…..

    …now it can do it all

    ain’t government funding wonderful

  3. omnologos says:

    It’s just like watching carrion eaters, only this time they’re cannibals

  4. MikeTheDenier says:

    Hansen: US Democracy Not Competent To Deal With Global Warming, Calls on Communist China to “Save Humanity”

    • peterhodges says:

      well chinese type government is what western elitists dream of

      “i want to own nothing and control everything” – john d rockefeller

  5. lapogus says:

    I rarely deviate from making constructive and polite comments on blogs. But this is an exception to the rule, and Julia Bain and the AP journalists who fell for this crap from Arndt and Sommerville must be, as we say in Scotland, as thick as mince.

    I suggest we nominate this ABC report for a prize in a new competition: the “Beth Derbyshire award for climate bollocks”. (Beth Derbyshire is a UK artist who cited the Haiti earthquake as evidence of changing weather due to AGW – ).

    • suyts says:

      I used to try and do the same thing…….limit myself to constructive comments. I found it to be impossible until I realized the reason why derisive sarcasm exists. It turns out, the Word in the Book are really words to live by. Ecclesiastes 3:1 or the Byrds, ……..whichever came first. So be of good cheer and know that when employing derisive sarcasm to the point of ridiculing these loons, you are, indeed, being constructive.

      I believe it is way past time for this type of lunacy to be pointed out, called on, and the purveyors of such garbage need to be ridiculed until they are to ashamed to open their mouths again.

  6. PhilJourdan says:

    It is always the most desperate before the dawn. It seems that the truth is finally coming out – and the ones invested in the hoax are panicking.

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