Daily Archives: February 5, 2011

Melting Sea Ice To Cause Sea Level Rise


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Penn And Teller : Saving The Planet


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Romm : 63% Of Americans Want To Pay Higher Bills

Almost two thirds of Americans want to send even more money to the government – to make the weather colder.

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Hotcold To Kill Furry Creatures In Colorado

http://www.examiner.com/ After 90 years, the Wolverine moved south because of global warming, and all they found in Colorado was more heat. It was -49 degrees in the mountains this week. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcN87unYg7s]

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NPR : “Two Cold Winters Don’t Make A Climate Trend”

http://www.npr.org/ They finally noticed that it is cold. That is a step in the right direction. Minnesota winter temperatures have declined over the last decade at a rate of 110 degrees per century . http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/cag3/mn.html

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SMH : All Weather Is Now Due To CO2

Given this catalogue of global disaster, would now be a good time for the climate change flat-earthers to shut up and listen, do you think? Just for a day or two, or even five minutes? They won’t, of course. The … Continue reading

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Ice Storm Caused By Too Little Ice


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EPA 1983 : Sea Level May Rise 10 Feet By 2100


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Rodent Shuts Out Nobel Prize Winner

“If someone conducted a poll on who people trusted more to predict the weather — Al Gore or Punxsutawney Phil, who would win? My money’s on the rodent,” writes National Review’s Greg Pollowitz. http://www.detnews.com

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DOE 1988 : Temperatures Could Rise 30 Degrees By 2008


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