1891 Study : 1C Changes Happen Regularly

Over the past 150 years, we have seen only 0.7C change. There is nothing unusual happening.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1891 Study : 1C Changes Happen Regularly

  1. “Where does he get those wonderful toys?”

    How do you keep coming up with these? You’re knocking the spots out of “unprecedented”.

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Funny how they change their mind so many times


    But now they are right?

    • Mike Davis says:

      S P:
      The major problem with being a sceptic is that no one is “Right”. Each “Theory” is judged on a scale of most likely to least likely. Many claims by the current crop of Chicken Little Soldiers just fall completely off the bottom of the scale into the realm of fantasy or make believe!

  3. racookpe1978 says:

    Very interesting: This continues the 1/2 of one degree C (their 1 degree F cycle) short-term temperature cycle “previously found” from today’s records into the period before 1890.

    But! This indicates as well that the period of the climate’s short term cycle may be changing with longer periods between peaks and troughs: today’s short term cycle is 65 – 70 years with hot peaks at 1885-1890, 1935-1940, and 2000-2010. This data from 1790 through 1890 would plot as peaks about every 30 – 40 years, with each peak happening over a shorter span as well. (5 years across the hot spot, instead of 10+ as now.)

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