1989 NOAA : “U.S. data show no sign of warming trend”


Date: January 29, 1989 Publication: Austin American-Statesman

WASHINGTON – If there is a global-warming trend, it has not shown up in records of the average annual temperature of the United States going back to 1895, according to researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to 1989 NOAA : “U.S. data show no sign of warming trend”

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    Interesting. They also state…”The scientists say their findings, confined to the 48 contiguous states, do not contradict other research that indicates that a global warming has begun.”

    So the warming began in or about 1989? CO2 molecules emitted by evil humans up to 1989 were sitting around idle, waiting for more of their kin before unleashing unprecedented catastrophic warming upon us.

    I conclude with robust confidence (at the 95.638% level) that CO2 molecules are in fact Aliens here to wipe us out and take over the planet.

  2. P Gosselin says:

    The warming began right after Hansen’s 1988 appearance in Congress. Since then it’s been warming for 120 years.

  3. wilbert merel robichaud says:

    Predicting the past at an unrepresented rate? 🙂

  4. Willis Eschenbach says:

    Grrr … the underlying article is paywalled.


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