Al Gore – The Weasel

Al Gore has participated in many Congressional and Senate hearings into his Global Warming/Climate Change boondoggle over the past few years and each and every time when asked a direct question, he will squirm and try to dodge the question.

When asked about just what alternative energy source we are expected to use instead of oil, he gives no answer and prefers to cite industrial polluters who continue to “as he puts it” spew massive amounts of pollution into the atmosphere.

When asked just how we can expect to maintain a growing economy if Cap and Trade were to be implemented, he will squirm and dodge the question by citing the false and misleading information his handpicked so called climate scientists have cooked up.

In all instances, Gore refuses to answer any direct questions regarding providing actual proof about his Global Warming/Climate Change brainchild itself. He sidesteps any questions about alternate energy sources available in place of oil and of just how the United States could implement Cap and Trade without crippling the economy.

This man refuses to answer these and other important questions our elected officials ask at every hearing. Thus far, Gore has not answered a single question put to him, and has managed to dodge every one of them to the present.

We need to ask ourselves. If what Al Gore says regarding GW/CC is true, why not be glad to answer all questions asked? Why not tell us of the exciting new alternate energy sources he has in mind to replace crude oil? Why not be ecstatic about how great our economy will be under Cap and Trade? The fact is he does not answer these and other questions about his Green Scheme because he really doesn’t have any answers to give.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Al Gore – The Weasel

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    That’s a silly question. If Al baby was to answer these questions, he’d have 2 options. Either tell the truth, hence kill his pet AGW, or lie through his teeth to keep his pet alive.

    To avoid both, he avoids the questions like all “good” politicians would.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Every time Gore opens his mouth, it is a disaster. You can’t blame him for keeping it shut.

  3. Ralph says:

    “we should adopt a Comprehensive Climate Change Reform, which in essence means we will ignore the climate scheme, altogether”.

    Amen brother.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    The word “weasel” implys a certain cunning or slyness. Gore’s IQ falls woefully short in that regard. He definitely lacks the right stuff to make it as a weasel.

  5. Mike Davis says:

    This makes “Weasels” look bad! His actions more resemble a leach! Slimy, Squirmy, Bloodsucker! A leach is not intelligent enough to know the difference it is just their method of existence!
    Just like Brother Al!

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