Global Warming To Destroy The US

Does Global Warming mean the fall of the US Empire?

The east coast has been pounded by several snow storms as of late.  Some people may believe that these discredit the effects of global warming, but one hypothesis that has been put forward states that the increase in snow storm activities (and other similar events, such as the flooding episodes recently seen in Brazil and elsewhere in the world) is actually attributed (or influenced by) to climate change (caused by human activity); the other two hypotheses are the effects of  La Niña  or a combination of both.

You see, the increase in observed average temperatures (recall that 2010 has the highest recorded yearly average temperature since about 1890) is associated with an augmentation in the level of moisture in the air. As discussed by several experts, such as Dr. Michio Kaku, this increase in moisture content not only leads to the creation of more storms, but also to stronger ones too. In fact, Professor Kaku warned us that we should expect storm activities to increase for the years to come. In his words: “get used to it.”

What do these storms have to do with the fall of the U.S. Empire?

Well, I recently came upon a study published in the top academic journal Science that specifically examined the effects of climate change on the evolution of different civilizations. The Swiss researchers (paleoclimatologists to be exact), who collaborated with archaeologists on this study, examined more than 9,000 pieces of wood dating back 2,500 years. From these pieces of wood, they were able to extract information about temperature and precipitation levels on a year-to-year basis.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Global Warming To Destroy The US

  1. Dave N says:

    “..not only leads to the creation of more storms, but also to stronger ones too”.

    It’s all wonderful to develop theories. A shame though that reality is trumping them.

  2. maguro says:

    Michio Kaku needs to stick with pop cosmology.

  3. BioBob says:

    Definitions of empire (n)
    em·pire [ ém p?r ]

    1. lands ruled by single authority: a group of nations, territories, or peoples ruled by a single authority, especially an emperor or empress
    2. monarchy headed by emperor or empress: a monarchy that has an emperor or empress as its ruler
    3. period of empire’s existence: the period during which an empire exists

    Definitions of moron (n)
    mo·ron [ máw ròn ] Audio player

    1. offensive term: a former term for somebody with significant learning difficulties and impaired social skills, now considered offensive

  4. Mike Davis says:

    The second definition fits the writer of the article!

  5. PhilJourdan says:

    Please! Empire? Maybe a dictatorship. Possibly even imperialistic (however we sure are dumb ones since we do not know how to hold on to the possessions). But Empire? I am sure Obama would love the part – he is already prancing around with no clothes.

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