January Almost As Warm As Thirty Years Ago


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to January Almost As Warm As Thirty Years Ago

  1. glasater says:

    How can you look at yourself in the mirror when you publish lies?
    It’s beyond belief.

  2. Anything is possible says:

    Check out the HadCrut global temperature record :


    December 2010 was cooler than February 1878!

  3. AndyW says:

    It was a long lag between the cooling oceans and that layer of the atmosphere dropping. Also, why did it not decrease gently like the ocean temps decreased gently?


  4. wayne says:

    Steve (or anyone), you always seemed to be savvy on knowing how the temps are derived from various sources. Showing Doc Spencer’s last three months listed look how the global temp is way above any average I can come up with. Especially since the tropics is -0.369. Any ideas?

    2010 11 0.273 0.372 0.173 -0.117
    2010 12 0.181 0.217 0.145 -0.222
    2011 1 -0.009 -0.055 0.038 -0.369

    • suyts says:

      Wayne, I don’t think you’re looking at the graph correctly. Doc Spencer has last month as below the average. Hence the value, “2011 10.009″

      If you could provide a link to where you’re getting the numbers, I’ll try to explain them, if I can.

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