Melting Sea Ice To Cause Sea Level Rise

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Melting Sea Ice To Cause Sea Level Rise

  1. latitude says:

    Does anyone know what they are claiming for sea level rise in the past 50 years?

  2. Paul H says:

    This book is written to help A level students ( 16-18 year olds for our colonial friends).

  3. B.Kindseth says:

    Ice floating in water does not raise the water level when it melts. A body, in this case ice, floating in water displaces an amount of water equivalent to the weigh of the floating object. When it melts it fills the volume of water that it previously displaced with no increase in water level.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    They are saying the Greenland and Artarctic sea ice will not melt for a century or two. So what is the big rush to find alternative energy?

    The contibution of Alpine glacier melt to sea level rise must be trivial, assuming the glaciers are melting, which is questionable.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    melting sea ice to cause sea level rise—-please stop the bleeding!

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