New York Times 1881 : Global Warming To Cause Arctic Meltdown, Drought, Hurricanes, Disease, Earthquakes, Volcanoes ….



[addendum] This 1881 article is satirizing one of the more alarmist explanations for the widespread belief of “thoughtful persons” at that time : “The growing heat of our Summers, the drying up of streams, and the increased frequency of hurricanes, yellow fever, and earthquakes have latterly attracted the attention of thoughtful persons.”

Sound familiar? The exact same beliefs being espoused by the alarmist community now.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to New York Times 1881 : Global Warming To Cause Arctic Meltdown, Drought, Hurricanes, Disease, Earthquakes, Volcanoes ….

  1. Latitude says:

    Two things stand out…

    Russia, Africa, and South America can go to hell…

    and moving mountains to tropical areas turns them into volcanoes..

    ….like there’s no volcanoes north

    Basically nothing has changed, it’s still all voodoo…………

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Too many straight, while males around, even in 1881!

  3. Pingback: North Pole-ocalypse? -

  4. This one made me laugh! And I needed it after hearing bad news from around the world today—especially this politician in Boston telling unions to get “bloody when necessary”. Just exactly whose blood is he talking about? He should be focused on the economy and terrorism, shouldn’t he?

  5. Dave N says:

    Just proves that alarmists have been around for at least 130 years.. but then they’ve been around for much, much longer than that.. they’ve just blamed calamity on different things.

  6. Paul says:

    Joke’s on you guys…if they printed the entire piece, available at, it would have been totally obvious to everyone that this was 19th century satire.

    p.s. — even in the 1800s, they knew that volcanoes weren’t just in the tropics…ever heard of Pompeii? You know, that volcano in Italy that blew up in Roman times…

    “Real Science” blog is playing you guys, and it’s so, so easy.

    • “The growing heat of our Summers, the drying up of the streams, and the increased frequency of hurricanes, yellow fever, and earthquakes have attracted the attention of thoughtful persons.”

      Exactly the same rhetoric 130 years later coming from alarmists. Who is the joke on?

    • suyts says:

      lmao!!!!! Satire? Ok, serious face……..

      Often, Steve posts things in historical context. Usually, Steve finds some beautiful gems of pantwetters all the back towards the 16th century, and beyond. That he found a gem making fun of pantwetters back then doesn’t strike you as ironic?(if not a bit embarrassing?)

      The more things change, the more things stay the same. The fact of the matter is, this blog doesn’t do anything but make fun of you alarmists. Alarmism has been going on ever since the first basement dweller was forced(by mom) to leave the basement.

      Did Steve know that it was a satirical poke at your pantwetting forefathers? I don’t know. Is it delicious irony you girls decide to make a point of the posting? Oh, yeh.

      The aged article was making fun of your forefather’s pantswetting!!!! aahahahahaha!!!! Yeh, we’re all going to die if we don’t quit progressing!!!!! Give all of your money to the people that care.

      What assbags.

      • It was quite clear that the end of the article was satire. Satire always has a serious basis though, which was the first paragraph of the article. The author was making fun of alarmists 130 years ago.

      • suyts says:

        Yeh, like so many of your other articles……… 50 years, the arctic ice is going to be gone!!!!! In 100 years we’re all going to burn to death!!!! By 1980 we won’t have any more food!!!………..oh, wait,……….that was much more recent……. That was the mentor of our……….sigh, each and every pantwetter in this country. They’ve never been right. They’ve always been wrong and people buy it!

        Did you follow Curry’s blog? People tried to justify deletion of “faulty” data. The message was more important than the truth. I should be happy that it was exposed. I know thousands saw it, but it’s melancholy.

        There are people willing to lie in the name of humanity. All the while we show they’ve been wetting themselves since recorded history. I wonder, how many have to starve to satisfy their paranoia?

        Revkin, how many people would be fed with 5 billion bushel of corn a year? You and your cast of idiots initiated this asinine ethanol. How many have to die for the sake of gaia?

      • Mike Davis says:

        I believe the number was 330 million!!!!
        I spent a part of the day reading the 2 posts!!

      • suyts says:

        lol, oh my……sweet!

    • suyts says:

      No other ladies to come play?

  7. Jim says:

    Steven Goddard deserves to win the publics very own Nobel Prize for research. He is a hero for exposing the cyclical nature of catastrophic journalism and bad science.

  8. glacierman says:

    1881 Thoughtfull Persons = 2011 Progressives

  9. GORE LIED says:

    I posted this on my blog in 2008 concerning an 1884 passage in The New York Times that mentions not only global warming, but worries over an anthropogenic source:

    “In the May 18, 1884 edition of The New York Times, there is tucked deeply away in a column titled, ironically, “Scientific Gossip” the following passage:

    ‘Roberto Paolo considers that the glaciers of the Alps were developed during a period of a lower mean Summer temperature than that of the present, and that they are retreating not so much, however, by cosmic or telluric causes as through meteorological changes depending partly on the prolonged action of man on the earth.’”

  10. Pingback: New York Times 1881 : Global Warming To Cause Arctic Meltdown, Drought, Hurricanes, Disease, Earthquakes, Volcanoes …. |

  11. WeThePeople says:

    And, surprisingly, almost 100 years later.

    Perhaps this is a new cycle?

  12. Paul from Texas says:

    Satire or not, these weather-changing scares occur about once every 30 years or so, and they all have similarities:
    > they’re all perpertrated by liberals
    > if you disagree with a liberal, you are corrupt and inferior
    > there’s no evidence
    > the solution is for liberals to control my life and separate me from my money

  13. Gator says:

    Just goes to show that even in the Victorian Age, skeptics were as wise and witty as today!

  14. Jim says:

    I recently spent a year in the arctic. Funny how *everyone* there believes global warming is real.

    Never mind what the “experts” say on either side of the debate. The people who live in the north have been watching it happen for a decade.

    Natter on. It won’t change the reality.

    • You lived in the entire Arctic? You must be a large fellow

    • Moon Man says:

      I recently spent a year on the Moon. Funny how *everyone* there believes the Moon is made of cheese.

      Never mind what the “experts” say on either side of the debate. The people who live on the Moon have been eating it for a decade. Natter on.

      It won’t change the reality.

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