Romm : Making Energy More Expensive And Less Available Will Create 6 Million Jobs


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Romm : Making Energy More Expensive And Less Available Will Create 6 Million Jobs

  1. Latitude says:

    that’s because we’re all going to be flipping hamburgers……….
    …….so we can afford to eat

  2. Paul H says:

    Don’t be picky. He only got one word wrong – change “European” for “Chinese”!!

  3. Bruce says:

    On the other hand, filling up a CNG car in Oklahoma can be as low as 75cents per GGE and 1$ or so in Utah.

  4. JoeFromEveryWhere says:

    Sure! He is right! 6 millions peoples can die and new jobs will be available.

  5. DJL says:

    It will create 6 Million new jobs but destroy 60 Million old jobs

  6. Ralph says:

    “Making Energy More Expensive And Less Available Will Create 6 Million Jobs”

    in China.

  7. omnologos says:

    How about the expected increase in the Undertaking business, due to cold-related deaths?

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