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Of course he did, the truth doesn’t work to his advantage.
Why did you post an image of the China Flood and Drought Monitor map for the 18th February when the Climate Progress post you were replying to was published on the 23rd?
Here’s the map for the 23rd:
So 5 days has caused rapid increase of drought… and u are okay with that. LOL
Big deal.
“Based on the reconstructed precipitation series in North China from historical documents, the 1876–1878 drought was identified as the most severe and extreme one in North China over the past 300 years. Meanwhile, the spatial patterns of seasonal and annual precipitation during 1876–1877 were analyzed and the social and economic impacts related with this drought event were evaluated according to the descriptions in the historical documents. The results indicated that this long-lasting drought started by the spring of 1876 and did not stop until the spring of 1878. Within the three years, the harvest failures brought the rice price increased to 5–10 times than that in the normal year, and the total population in the five provinces over North China decreased by more than 20 million due to a large number of dead people and migrations. In addition, related investigations suggested that the 1876–1878 drought was prevalent worldwide, which has possible link with abnormal high SST in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific, strong El Niño episode and positive AAO anomalies. ”
Sept. 2010
Doh because that was the one in Romms article.
HAHAHAHA, Now Cthulhu did a Mikey! (made a funny) HAHAHA!
go over there and leave a post that says:
“Hi Joe, love your blog. Hope all is well with you”
…. and see if he leaves it…. 🙂
I say video tape the deletions and put them up on youtube. We could start a whole censorship category on Romm and other sites.
lol, would kill a server in a day.
Yep, plus it would destroy their delusional followers that doesn’t see or know any difference because of the censorship.
This is actually a good idea. I hope someone have the time to do it.
Hi Steven, a handfull of graphics if interested:
K.R. Frank
Time Magazine editor, Richard Stengel, “Our job is not to protect the US….”
lol, now that’s a shocker, too! He doesn’t even like the U.S.
HAHAHA, it ‘s not what your country can do for you, or what you can do for your country, but what you can do to your country ! I see now I get it, just like the Warmist/Alarmist are doing. Check, Got it!
Baghdad Romm, Barney Fife of the left, inventing new ways to propagate global warming.
You mean he “stopped” the spread of misinformation by censoring you … Your about as ignorant as they come and don’t blame the guy..
Usually I am nice, usually I don’t call names, usually I don’t move down to the level of the greedy, doesn’t care about life, or quality of life, alarmist…. but I had a long day.
Those old newspaper articles were retroactively planted by deniers from the distant future.
ok, now that was funny!……………………………..
Yes that was funny!
Funny that global warmers don’t have a problem with Romm being paid to run a global warming blog.
No that isn’t, But it’s funny the Bull we are hearing from him, and it’s sad that there are so many people out there that follow his every word with what appears to be no common sense. It reminds me of the evangelist era, But I guess some people have a short memory or they are bunch of lost souls with no where to go so now it’s GAIA. With the MetallicA ref: The Gods that failed, looooooong agooooo! Well it was the God that failed not Gods, but hey same difference to my point here!
How about “Holier Than Thou” then!
Sort of like the way they planted all those fossils to fake evolution.
I guess they must have planted all those fossil fuels too, to fake evolution. But you never hear about that, so I guess the fossil fuel like oil didn’t take that long, apparently, to develop in the ground.
So I guess for those types, (Religious type) how can they say it’s not a renewable resource if it developed in a short span as they claim with every thing else? But wait Look to my earlier post. The one with the Gods that failed, it isn’t the Gods or God that failed. Trust me, it is the belief and trust from Scam artist bull shitting you, so it is you that failed not the god you believe in. And now they are recycling all that Bull shit again with GAIA when there were many Gods. How Ironic!
Yes, and god put fossils in the rocks just to mess with people’s minds.
Sounds like a church, they used to censor scientists a lot if they didn’t fit in with their beliefs and models.
Wow, only two girls come by to defend Romm?
They must be Johnny Lang fans……..
Lie to me and tell me everything is all right
Lie to me and tell me that you’ll stay here tonight
Tell me that you’ll never leave
Oh, and I’ll just try to make believe
That everything, everything your telling me is true
Come on baby won’t you just
Lie to me, go ahead and lie to me ……..
You sure there isn’t a Manson connection there somewhere?
If your worried about being lied to, why don’t you google “Steven Goddard”… The guy dosent exactly have a blog history I’d be proud of… Or better yet, just browse this lame blog if you want to see where lies come from..
OMG – a long history of lies. It should be easy for you to list some of them then. Go for it. No censorship here.
but at least you can post here 😉
“No censorship here.” 😉
HAHAHAHA, JoeW did a Mikey! HAHAHA!
Are you seeing any problem with “Mike’s Nature trick”? You think it’s ok to splice two different graphs together to make one graph.
stevengoddard says:
February 28, 2011 at 2:51 am
It should be easy for you to list some of them then. Go for it.
I think people like JoeW are not in the business of actually backing what they say.
I hear ya AAIM.
Hey, AAIM, just a thought, but maybe you should change the link with your name! Unless it’s a free ad your looking for. But hey, Just let us know that up front here if that is the case.
Free ad for what? I’m not following what you mean.
Ok, then AAIM, My mistake, Dinnis Miller is a link to your name on your last post here, I don’t know what was before that but you can check it out for your self!
You must be hitting a nerve Steve. I’ve noticed th vitriol meter and gone up a notch or two. MoveOn must be trying to protect Romm.
Keep it up!
On the positive side Steve you seem to be getting more posts here !
What will he say about Anthony Watts winning the Science category of the 2011 Bloggies?
I think if you put a kettle on his forhead it will boil in a minute…
Let me point out to you that “your” is not acceptable for “you’re”, in the context in which you last posted. “You’re” is an abbreviation for “You are”, hence the use of the apostrophe to indicate missing letters. Your inability to use written English correctly, undermines any argument you might offer here. Your lack of attention to detail is appalling, witness “dosent”.
Steven has a blog to which you feel a strong desire to visit and post derogatory comments, but your posts serve only to confirm that you are an prize idiot. I have two questions for you.
1) Do you have a blog of your own for us to visit, because it’s “put up or shut up”?
2) Do you like sex and travel?