Daily Archives: March 7, 2011

Nani Gets Brilliant Assist In Street Brawl At Anfield

Too bad it was at the wrong end of the pitch.

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Global Warming Targets Low CO2 Emitters


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Vero Beach Resident Wants Deniers To Point Out Flaws With Global Warming Claims

Geez – Why didn’t one of us deniers think of that? I just parrot whatever Rush Limbaugh says. Maxwell Hughes, Vero Beach Letter: A few questions for global warming deniers The predicted effects of unchecked global warming are unpleasant, not … Continue reading

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LA Times : “Newport Beach gets serious about rising sea levels”

Like the Guardian, The LA Times appears unable to distinguish between a wave and rising sea level. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/ Sea level in LA hasn’t risen for 70 years, but I’m sure it is a very serious problem. http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends_station.shtml?stnid=9410660 h/t to Marc Morano

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