16 Months Ago : Arnie Predicted That California Will Drown


There hasn’t been any significant sea level rise recorded in California for at least 150 years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 16 Months Ago : Arnie Predicted That California Will Drown

  1. Ralph says:

    There goes Gore’s multimillion $ seaside San Fransisco condo.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Looks like Arnie wants to star in a new grade B disaster movie. “The Great San Francisco Flood”.

  3. Tourist in Chief says:

    Guess Arnie’s degree in bodybuilding didn’t include any courses on California as an Emergent Coastline. Tho one would think he might notice the occasional shaking from the Subduction of the Pacific Plate.

    “Emergent coasts, such as the coast along much of California, often exhibit a series of terraces, each consisting of a former beach and wave cut cliff. This provides evidence of both the total uplift of the coast, and its incremental nature.”

    Read more: Coast and Beach – Emergent Coasts – Sea, Cliff, Waves, Wave, Level, and Process http://science.jrank.org/pages/1542/Coast-Beach-Emergent-coasts.html#ixzz1HgvROAJ5

  4. Blade says:

    If they really did build their airport 60 inches above sea level they deserve to drown.

    What we really need now is a return to Darwinism.

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