Global Warming Targets Low CO2 Emitters

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Global Warming Targets Low CO2 Emitters

  1. Charles Higley says:

    Obviously their ecological models suck just as much as their climate models.

    Isn’t it just amazing that everything, every aspect, every detail, every effect on humans and the animals and the plants by a little bit of warming are ALL BAD? It beggars the imagination.

    Of course, the claims are all from fertile, paranoid, mostly low integrity and/low low functioning minds.

    Ever wonder why so many people retire to Florida? Because it cold?

    • Justa Joe says:

      That is one of my biggest beefs with the CAGW hoax. If the Earth was warming up the effects should be fairly equally distributed between benign, beneficial, and malevolent, but all we hear is that it would be univesrsally catastrophic.

      Anyway you can’t even parody the CAGW claims. World to end. Women, minorities, and the poor hardest hit.

      • Al Gored says:

        CO2 is a rich, racist, chauvinistic, right-wing molecule. So, when you get more of them, the results are predictable.

    • Charles Higley says:
      March 7, 2011 at 2:53 am

      Of course, the claims are all from fertile, paranoid, mostly low integrity and/low low functioning minds.

      It’s easier to boil all evil down to one thing. You don’t have to actually take the time and sort everything out. It’s kinda like how some people boil Middle East relations down to one word, Halliburton. It’s all easy to figure out then like a corny political George Clooney movie.

    • Otter says:

      I think you meant to say ‘febrile.’

  2. Climate change impacts those least responsible….

    Oh how true. But if only they would tell the real story, the real impacts, that those least responsible are dying of starvation from biofuel programs.

  3. Edward says:

    @Amino Acids in Meteorites says:
    March 7, 2011 at 3:12 am

    In one, good comment.

  4. DEEBEE says:

    “World to end tomorrow — women, children, minorities, poor and GLBT to suffer the most”

    • Justa Joe says:

      HIV was said to be the first virus with civil rights. I guess CO2 must be the first molecule guilty of hate crimes.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    If you are rich and/or successful, you are evil and should be guilt ridden. How dare you enjoy life more than the “most vulnerable” of the world (anyone other than a straight white male)!

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