Hansen On TV 1988 : 9F warming by 2040

He forecast 5°C warming by 2040 in an interview he gave for the CBC’s “Survival” program, reported on page nine of Suzuki’s book.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Hansen On TV 1988 : 9F warming by 2040

  1. suyts says:

    Wow, I’d never thought Suzuki was part of the conspiracy, too!

  2. Jimbo says:

    Over the next decade people will look back and see Hansen for what he is: a person suffering from the Messiah Complex. He keeps getting it wrong. His grandchildren will be fine. Stop writing silly books.

  3. Mike Bromley says:

    Fruit Fly Dave has become horribly old.

  4. Vince Whirlwind says:

    So….your evidence to back up your claim as to something you say Hansen said is…….A SCIENCE FICTION STORY.


    Funnier by the day, Goddard….

  5. Dale Hammond says:

    Ola! Stevengoddard,
    Neat Post, As computer-model creator, NASA GISS director and science advisor to Al Gore, Dr. James Hansen was predicting global cooling in the 1970s. He was wrong then.

    Could he be equally as wrong about global warming today?

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