Hansen : To Tip Or Not To Tip

Hansen has been warning us for years that warming will hyper-accelerate as CO2 increases.

Now the argument suddenly switches to decelerated warming and scenario B, because CO2 increments have decreasing effect at higher concentrations. This argument is needed to partially explain the failure of his 1988 forecasts.

Next week he will no doubt go back to accelerated warming as CO2 increases. Whatever story fits the needs of the current narrative.

And his faithful followers still think the Emperor is clothed.


Apparently he was just kidding about scenario A. It can’t actually happen.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Hansen : To Tip Or Not To Tip

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    It appears that the shell game has been uncovered.

  2. suyts says:

    Yes, pretty soon he’ll give a one word interview, his quote will be………”Psych!!!!!”

  3. Jimbo says:

    What part of FAILED don’t these people understand? As temperatures continue to diverge they will increasingly wave their hands and shout to distract us from the reality of their failed predictions. This must be very embarrasing for Dr. Hansen.

    • Dave N says:

      When predictions fail, they change the definitions, rules, targets, etc, and say they needed to because it’s worse than they first thought.

  4. Dave G says:

    This should make their heads explode antarctic ice breakup makes ocean absorb more CO2

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    ‘Global implications for climate research’, says US gov

    By Lewis Page • Get more from this author

    Posted in Environment, 29th March 2011 08:39 GMT

    On Demand Webcast : The realities of SaaS and security

    Some cheerful news on the climate change front today, as US government boffins report that ice breaking off the Antarctic shelves and melting in the sea causes carbon dioxide to be removed from the environment. This powerful, previously unknown “negative feedback” would seem likely to revise forecasts of future global warming significantly downwards.

    The US National Science Foundation (NSF) which funded the iceberg study, describes the results as having “global implications for climate research”.

    “These new findings… confirm that icebergs contribute yet another, previously unsuspected, dimension of physical and biological complexity to polar ecosystems,” says Roberta Marinelli, director of the NSF’s Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems Program.

    A team of NSF-funded scientists examined the effects on an area of the Weddell Sea of a large (20 mile long) berg moving through, melting as it went and diluting the salty sea water – also adding key nutrients carried from the land. They found that after the iceberg had passed, levels of CO2 had plunged and much more chlorophyll was present. Chlorophyll is the substance in green plants which lets them suck in nasty CO2 and emit precious life-giving oxygen: in the Weddell Sea it was present in phytoplankton, tiny seagoing plantoids which are thought to account for half the carbon removed from the atmosphere globally.

    The scientists say that more and more icebergs are set to be found in the seas around the Anatarctic as more ice breaks off the shelves attached to the peninsula which reaches up from the polar continent towards South America. This should mean more phytoplankton and thus less CO2.

    The iceberg team consider that the increased number of bergs coming from the western Antarctic is the result of warming temperatures in the region, though recent research from British boffins has suggested that in fact other factors may be in play – at least in the case of the Pine Island Glacier, one of the major sources of sea ice in that area.

    If the phytoplankton-boosting effect of the bergs is as big as the NSF appears to be suggesting, however, it would seem that any carbon-driven temperature rise could be at least partly self-correcting.

    Increased iceberg shedding would seem likely to be seen mainly or only around the western peninsula: antarctic sea ice shelves elsewhere are actually growing, not shrinking, and at such a rate as to outweigh the peninsular losses. The past three decades have seen the south-polar ice sheets grow by 300,000 square kilometres overall.

    The NSF study was originally published in the journal Deep Sea Research Part II (subscription required). It was flagged up more recently in Nature Geoscience’s top picks (again, subscription link). The NSF also has a statement here. ®

    On Demand Webcast : The realities of SaaS and security
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    * Climate Change
    * Global Warming
    * co2
    * Icebergs
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    * Phytoplankton
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  5. Mike Davis says:

    If anyone had bet on Hansen’s prediction in 1988 they would have lost by now. The boys do not allow a person to claim they really meant what they did not say.

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