Local Councils Ignore The Desperate Needs Of Polar Bears


h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Local Councils Ignore The Desperate Needs Of Polar Bears

  1. DEEBEE says:

    Lunatics running the asylum?

  2. Philip Finck says:

    What is equally enoying is that the bulbs, at least in my house, only last a fraction of the specified hours. Grrrr…..

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    How do the garbos know there is a twisty bulb in the large green bin?

    • Mike Davis says:

      They have to search through the “DUST” to insure the resident is not guilty of placing the “Wrong” item in the wrong bin. With the recycling measures they needed to hire thrice as many “Binmen” to monitor the correctness of separation and report infractions so the guilty MASS unsorters can be persecuted! There are rumors abound than improper waste sorting will soon draw the death penalty in the UK if 20 years of hard labor sentences do not get the violators attention.

      • Shug Niggurath says:

        Don’t forget, a new study tells us recycled newspaper is next on the big list of ‘things to kill us all’…

  4. But these are the bulbs Al Gore says we have to buy. This mercury thing is a myth. They don’t want to use them? They must not care about pollution.


  5. DERise says:

    To quote the great Monty Python “I put three of them down by the bin this morning and the dustman won’t touch them” from There’s a Dead Bishop on the Landing

  6. klem says:

    These bulbs were a bad idea from the beginning. They have mercury in them and they never last as long as they claim on the box, they are so expensive they almost never pay for themselves. Even though they reduce power consumption, they don’t reduce it enough to pay for themselves because the average light bulb is not on long enough per day. They can only pay for themselves if they are left on 24/7. In the average home, almost none are left on all day and night. In most homes we turn the lights off when we leave the room. I have none of these things in my home.

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