NYT Suggests Patronizing Irrational Ignorant Disadvantaged Doubters


All educated, intelligent people believe that global warming studies should be richly funded, so that anti-productive academics will be able to continue partying in places like Cancun.

h/t to Marc Morano



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to NYT Suggests Patronizing Irrational Ignorant Disadvantaged Doubters

  1. TinyCO2 says:

    The bit that made me laugh (as opposed to grinding my teeth) was “The trick, Hoffman says, is to find ways to talk about the same thing.” Isn’t using the word “trick” around sceptics evidence he hasn’t done his homework? Frankly we’re a bit sick of AGW tricks.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Somehow, the masses have not been brainwashed. Amazing!

  3. DEEBEE says:

    The presence of the word “denier” in the abstract and reference to Oreskes’ (2004) without a perfunctory LOL, pretty much made me stop. Sorry Steve, much as I like this site, that asking way too much. Just kidding. I thumbed through the paper and could not shake the feeling of a professor having a few indentured labor entities (aka graduate students) and a Texas Instrument calculator. As if providing chi-square p makes it worthwhile.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Did you get a sore Virtual Thumb by “Thumbing” Through the Virtual news?
      I see NTY and do not waste my Virtual Time!

  4. The NY Times is loosing readers at an accelerated pace.

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