Puffington Host : Protesting Against Oil Companies Will End La Nina

Instead of protesting, just stop using fossil fuels. Ride a bicycle and heat your home with composted human waste. Don’t use a computer or anything else which requires electricity, and don’t buy food or other products which were transported by a vehicle.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Puffington Host : Protesting Against Oil Companies Will End La Nina

  1. suyts says:

    Looney tunes.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Stopping their consumption habits would be the best form of protest. It would deny all their moey to the people they think are causing the global warming. Instead of buying a house they could buy a few acres of land to restore to natural conditions. There are locations in Canada or Alaska where they can live off the land and off grid as well as being “One” with nature. I am certain the entire world will miss their nonproductive selfishness and mourn the loss of their biased rants but we should be able to “Get Over The Loss” !

    • Mike Davis says:

      I understand Antarctica has a few acres available for homestead so that would also be a good option for wanting to live the Natural Life!

    • TinyCO2 says:

      I wouldn’t like to think of those wild habitats being polluted by their uselessness but I agree they should give up oil and gas as a protest. Hit the oil companies where it hurts!

  3. Mike Davis says:

    On second thought they need to find Beach Front property of the Arctic Ocean so they can commune with the cuddly Polar Bears. With isostatic Rebound occurring the sea Level in that region is going down so we could relocate all the Tropical Island residents that are worried about sea level rise to the Arctic region also! What is the difference? They could be close to their ocean after all!

  4. TinyCO2 says:

    When you call for a mass movement and only a few mates turn up, you have to accept that nobody’s interested. I wonder how long it will take these bozos to work out that they’re a very, very small revolution?

    • Mike Davis says:

      You brought up a good point! I read the words “Mass Movement” and that brought up images of lots of people consuming Laxatives! 😉 What comes from Huff-N-Puff reminds me of mental Diarrhea anyway! 🙂

  5. Mike Davis says:

    Civil Disobedience that results in a loss of taxpayer funds is Terrorism and the guy in Utah caused a loss of funds by fraudulent bidding on mineral leases he did not intend to buy. The result was a do over and your money wasted for the first effort!
    Any group that promotes this type of activity should be fined or at6 minimum have their proceeds seized by the government to recoup lost monies. That would include the media outlets that are insensitive enough to promote the actions!
    Free speech does not include the right to scream fire in a crowded theater putting people at risk. Civil disobedience walks the line and pushes the legality of free speech! If they want free speech they should pay for the results of their actions!

  6. If I really believe in global warming I shouldn’t use a cel phone? Does….. not …… compute….. Can’t I just eat organic and change my light bulbs? That’s all we need to do. That’s how we all can sleep better.



  7. HopeyChangey says:

    Eco-doxy is a fairly expensive cult. It’s quite comical to watch as believers pay thru the nose for their church.

    After re-using “free” garbage as a raw material for “sustainable” building products, the finished product costs more than the regular stuff. But It has the redeeming quality of being Butt ugly so everyone will know that it’s recycled. A testament to your sacrifice.


  8. Andy Weiss says:

    These people never got over the 60’s or their consumption of LSD and magic mushrooms.

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