Skeptical Thoughts Control The Climate

Non-believers must be purged – for the sake of future generations. Faith in Gaia is needed to save the planet. Perhaps a Spanish Inquisition is in order?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Skeptical Thoughts Control The Climate

  1. Mike Bromley says:

    That has got to be the most frightening article I have read for some time. My response? You first!

  2. Bruce says:

    Well, I think someone who is chaiman of an environmental consultancy and of a big business environment and water company is not going to look so closely at the science that costs his businesses a great deal of lost business.

    Mr Gummer, Lord Deben, you should read Spencer & Braswell 2010, Lindzen & Choi 2009 and if you accept peer reviewed science in reputable journals, you should then accept that “cutting emissions dramatically” not only doesn’t “avert real disaster” (since CO2 related climate sensitivity is very low) but causes real disaster in the form of a great depression that would make the 1930’s seem like losing a game of pool.

  3. TinyCO2 says:

    One of the reasons I’m a sceptic is the ability of AGW people to delude themselves about the principle cause of problems. In their minds, nearly every bad thing that happens is due to AGW and the lack of success reducing CO2 is the fault of sceptics.

    The question for Mr Gummer is did he walk to Australia? Can I hope he might stay there?

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