SSTs Around Greenland Plummeting

The blink comparator below shows changes in sea surface temperatures over the last two months. Two things which stand out are that La Nina is not as strong as it was, and that temperatures around Greenland have dropped considerably.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to SSTs Around Greenland Plummeting

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    yes La Nina is weakening, but considering we’ve just passed the height of summer in the southern hemisphere, there is still a lot of negative anomalies in the southern ocean.
    By half way through July things should get interesting. By then we’ll know what’s happening with ENSO

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    But our highly reliable satellites will still say it’s extremely warm over all the oceans, even if the water is frigid! Places like the US and China are just tiny slivers of the earth’s surface.

  3. Less heat to melt ice in summer. Too bad for Phil and the gang.

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