The Imaginary Heat Is Unbearable – We Need To Do Something Really Destructive To Stop The Voices In Our Heads

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to The Imaginary Heat Is Unbearable – We Need To Do Something Really Destructive To Stop The Voices In Our Heads

  1. Mike Bromley says:

    These people are truly insane.

  2. suyts says:

    You see, this is what happens when you de-institutionalize the legally insane.

    I told them so.

  3. Latitude says:

    I wonder how many people realize that “tying as the world’s warmest year “……

    ….means temperatures have no gone up

  4. Ralph says:

    “blasting tons of sulfate particles into the sky to reflect sunlight away from Earth”

    I was always told as a kid “if you don’t know what you’re doing don’t mess with it”.

  5. Al Gored says:

    Why mess around with the little stuff? I say target the sun, the source of all this evil heat. Send an elite NASA force on a mission to knock it down to size – in a carefully controlled manner of course.

    But… apparently the sun doesn’t matter so if that doesn’t work, the second logical option is to construct an elaborate series of tubes and towers reaching into the stratosphere which will suck coldcold back down to the earth’s surface to cool the warmcold.

    Final backup… tether a huge fleet of rockets to one side of the earth and fire them simultaneously, thus pulling the planet further away from the sun. This seems like the simplest, almost common sense idea. Even if the sun doesn’t matter it would be nice to have a different view of the solar system.

    Now, about my grant…

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