Who Is Best At Hiding The Decline?

Trees rings were reliable for thousands of years, but (like everyone else) they quit doing their job properly in the 1960s. Fortunately, we have conscientious climate scientists like Michael Mann to show the trees what they should have been doing.

Not to be outdone at hiding the decline, Hansen and USHCN showed that they could alter the data in-situ, when they turned a US cooling trend into a warming trend. This appears to be a superior approach to Mann’s grafting on a different data set.

Honorable mention goes to IPCC – which grafted altimetry sea level data on to tide gauge data – to show an increase in sea level rise rates. Apparently tide gauges also went on strike in 1994.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Who Is Best At Hiding The Decline?

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    An organization rots from the core out. So evidence of the rot is not apparent until the tree is toppled or dead. The best hiders of the decline are the AGW crowd hiding the fact that very few believe them any longer. Unfortunately those few are in positions of power.

  2. Latitude says:


    If there’s no global warming, they are not only out of a job….

    …but looking like complete idiots

  3. Tony Duncan says:


    you have a paper ready for publication right here. I wonder why Spencer and Christie have not already submitted it!

  4. suyts says:

    Yes, Hansen’s bit of disingenuous characterization of temp trends was more sophisticated than Mann’s/Briffa’s, but you’ve gotta love the moxy of the treeologists.

    Then, of course, there is the politicos method of hiding the decline, simply ignore it. Waxman wanted to write into law that the globe is unequivocally warming.


    Well, he never said he could understand a graph………..

  5. Sundance says:

    What started as science has morphed into climate change creationism which requires hiding the decline in order to sustain the false idols used for worship aka doctored data and models. The charts and graphs are the tools of the preachers and their adherents to illustrate our sins against the climate gods. They also use disasters to illustrate that the climate gods are angry with CO2 producing man. This approach has been very successful in attracting many who would have otherwise likely joined a death cult.

    What gives gives the scam of climate change creationism away is that leaders and followers of the religion would be unplugging in droves. Computers Ipods, smart phones are all signs of the devil. Yet they will not forgo that which they deem the sin of others and the most visible higherarchy of the religion continue to enjoy their big houses, yachts and fly all over the world while preaching energy abstinence and convincing children that parents are stupid and evil for turning on lights.

    I do enjoy watching Climate Evangelists like James Cameron destroying the planet, by his actions, while condemning others for wanting to heat houses economically. There is also irony to enjoy in the fact that he makes billions off the enormous amounts of energy required at theaters and home entertainment centers needed to view his work. I recently calculated that it would take me 1400 years to emit the amount of CO2 Nancy Pelosi emitted just from her private jet use as Speaker of the House. Bill Gates’ $30,000.00/month electric bill for his 60,000 square foot mansion is the equivalent to what I will pay over 35 years for my electricity bill. Matt Damon preaching the evils of carbon just had his fourth child and is flying all over the planet. Somehow all the carbon spewed by scientists and political adherents in order to attend useless conclaves at the most luxurious and remote resorts in the world escapes their own climate morality. These conferences end up as nothing more than a bunch of caviar eating elites accomplishing nothing and then offering a press release that another conclave with expensive food at a luxurious remote resort is needed to save the sinners. Such is the world of climate change creationism and the unquestioning, indoctrinated fanatics it attracts.

  6. mike williams says:

    “you have a paper ready for publication right here. I wonder why Spencer and Christie have not already submitted it!”

    But Steve..you have to love how Tony has zero to say of any substance as the whole edifice keeps cracking..not bright enough or honest enough to find mistakes or admit he is out of his depth and their are major problems with CAGW..
    Just keeps parroting the same old lines..
    Perhaps Tony could publish a paper on how a “carbon tax”/”carbon trading” will make the weather “better”…(In Australia)
    Come on Tony… 🙂

    • Tony Duncan says:


      I actually have ben listing to some great stuff form Stanford and Yale about looking at the practicalities of energy use by some rational people unencumbered by a rigid ideology.
      I read pieces like Sundance’s homily about the evil AGW fanatics and laugh since I do know some of them and the right wing fantasy about these people is so insanely unconnected to who some of these people really are.

      • suyts says:

        Indeed, but it cuts both ways. The left doesn’t understand who’s pulling their strings either.

      • PhilJourdan says:

        I actually have ben listing to some great stuff form Stanford and Yale about looking at the practicalities of energy use by some rational people unencumbered by a rigid ideology.

        Would that be – I actually have been listening to some great stuff from Stanford and Yale…….. the right wing fantasy about these people are so insanely unconnected – ?

        Your extensive use of the English language would have been more effective if the simple words had been used correctly.

        Must have been great sherry.

      • Tony Duncan says:


        I5 would be more accurate to blame my typing than my spelling. And my auto spell check has been doing weird stuff. “would be” seems to turn into “wool deb” a lot.

        BTW I never liked Sherry, even in cooking.

    • Tony Duncan says:

      I am not expert enough in any of the scientific issues, so I keep encouraging Steve to write all his proofs of the fraud of ACC to peer reviewed journals so that people who have the technical training and experience to assess his unbiased research will help him overturn the Global Warming religion.

      • suyts says:

        Steve submit a paper to a peer-reviewed journal? Why? That would mean it would hold as much validity as the “Endangered Amazon” studies. Why anyone would lend any credence to a paper simply because it has a “peer-reviewed” stamp on it is beyond me. Not that it makes any difference, there have been literally hundreds of peer-reviewed studies that directly call into question the 76 strong consensus, and none of the alarmists skip a beat. Its a fools errand which I’d strongly recommend against.

      • Is it ever possible for you to just look at the data and keep the gossip out of the discussion?

      • Tony Duncan says:

        I just had a revelation.

        I KNOW why Steve and others don’t publish their obvious proofs that ACC is a total fraud supported by thousands of idiots who somehow managed to fool their schools into giving them Ph.D’s.

        He would LOSE Any reason for having this BLOG!
        He CAN’T disprove ACC in the actual science journals because he would have nothing to write about after the one self congratulatory post.

      • suyts says:

        Naw Tony, the alarmists would just bounce to another ridiculous issue. I firmly believe it will be a “water shortage” for the next one. I know, it sounds insane, but its coming to an alarmist issue near you soon. In the mean time, Steve will always have Obama/Biden types to blog about.

      • Tony Duncan says:


        It was just a trial balloon hypothesis. but you are right again, Obama certainly will give Steve at least 2 years more of material.

  7. Luke of the D says:

    You know, I’m getting tired of the whole concept of a “global temperature” anyway… let them edit it all they want. It means nothing at all. Again, I work in natural gas and if I went by this method of using some goofy math to average all the hundreds of well pressures togher – accross dozens of different fields in dozens of different formations – and plot an “average global pressure” what would I have? A complete load of crap that means nothing at all. So let them eat their cake and play with their numbers… just don’t give them any more of my blasted tax payer dollars!

    • suyts says:

      Yes, but that’s what got us in this mess to begin with. Like you, I don’t give a rat’s a$$ about whether the ice melts or not, nor do I care about a global temp average. It isn’t relevant to anything. But we let them blather on until they convinced people it was. Now, we’re paying for this lunacy.

      “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” ——- Thomas Jefferson

    • Tony Duncan says:


      absolutely right. What does mean global temp mean. It’s not like there have ever been periods when the planet as a whole was hotter or colder than today. And even if there were, it could’t have had any significant effect on the planet in any way. I mean if there had been times when the planet was mostly ice, or it was semi tropical around the poles, well then it might be worth considering

      • Luke of the D says:

        Do I smell sarcasm Mr. Duncan? Very good, sir. Glade you have a sense of humor. And yes indeed, sir, the world has been warmer and colder in the past (that’s obvious and very easily proved…geology is a wonderful thing). But you missed my point, these “global temperatures” mean nothing… are you really saying that its “x” temperature all over the earth at the same instant? For one, obviously, you cannot measure it all over everywhere at the same time… so why try to dervie some sort of “average” by making up 90% of the data, hmm? Better in mind to provide temperature as points on a globe where there is data that has been properly corrected for outside influences (urban-heat-islands, and so forth).

  8. PhilJourdan says:

    Tony Duncan says:
    March 24, 2011 at 1:46 am
    I just had a revelation.

    I KNOW why Steve and others don’t publish their obvious proofs that ACC is a total fraud supported by thousands of idiots who somehow managed to fool their schools into giving them Ph.D’s.

    I am sure those 5 or 6 glasses of sherry tasted mighty fine and were very effective in mellowing you out. However your revelation failed the one critical test – the real world. Skeptics have nothing to prove since the null hypothesis is still in effect and the AGW crowd has yet to prove a thing. In effect, Steve and every other skeptic has already “proved” the alarmists wrong – since their hypothesis still stands.

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