Worse Than Driving A Car!

I ride my bike everywhere thinking I am saving the planet, and now I find out that plane travel is even worse than they thought. Guess I’ll have to start purchasing carbon indulgences.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Worse Than Driving A Car!

  1. gofer says:

    I’ve got to stop reading this craziness before I begin to think that all mankind has gone completely insane. Stepping back and looking at this, it’s really hard to imagine that people are actually thinking they can change the weather or climate even to certain degrees. If I didn’t actually know that all this absurdity is just a chase for grant money, I would think all mankind has gone competely bats..t!

    • Latitude says:

      gofer, to put it in perspective..

      …they are talking about 1/2 a degree in the past 100 years

      I know I felt it, didn’t you?

    • NoMoreGore says:

      It ISN’T just grant money. It’s a ReligioMarxist cult. Just like Heaven’s Gate. Just like Jonestown. And with the same ending.

  2. Mike Bromley says:

    Great, isn’t it? The hysteria is now causing depression, both economically AND personally.

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    When petroleum is made, you get different products, so what should we do with all the aviation fuel then, just burn it off without flying?

  4. Bruce says:

    Gold, pure gold. Now every time some warmist flies to another conference in the tropics we can wave this in front of them and say what’s the story mate? Why are you destroying the world you sinner?

    If the delegates had to bicycle and row their way to Durban this year I think they might have rapid second thoughts about how bad global warming is.

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