250 Year Old Information Officer Says It Has Never Been Like This Before In Texas

What Romm didn’t bother to mention from the article :

Texas is in the midst of one of the worst droughts, in terms of the depth and expanse of drought conditions, since the early 1900s.


Maybe he doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “unprecedented?”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 250 Year Old Information Officer Says It Has Never Been Like This Before In Texas

  1. Al Gored says:

    In terms of fuel buildups, and thus fire intensity, she may be right.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Usually there is a drought going on somewhere. The percentage of the US having signficant drought is probably not abnormally high. In 1934, it was 80%. At least we aren’t having dust storms like the 1930’s.

  3. slimething says:

    “250 year old information officer….”


  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    To Baghdad Romm the word normal is defined as

    without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled


  5. Luke of the D says:

    Astronomical winds? Neat-o! Like plasma and electro-magnetic waves? Neat! I want to see the astronomical wind.

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