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Daily Archives: April 27, 2011
The Most Water Vapor In 650,000 Years!
Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are drying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. It’s becoming clear that humans have caused most of the past century’s warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern … Continue reading
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More UpDown
Temperatures may be going down this century, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t skyrocketing. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut3vgl/from:2001
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New Global Warming Concept – UpDown
Global warming alarmists and their allies in the media were ringing the alarm bells last summer after a study in the journal Nature claimed the global phytoplankton population had declined by 40% since 1950. The alarmists and their media allies … Continue reading
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Skyrocketing vs. Soaring
Obama is against soaring energy prices, but he is for skyrocketing energy prices. Citing serious issues facing the country, including high unemployment, soaring gas prices and the challenge of reducing the deficit, he said Americans and their political leaders need … Continue reading
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Them People Is So Much Smarter Than We Is
(CBS) Obama doesn’t have an American birth certificate, climate change isn’t real and evolution is a scientific fantasy. If a recent survey is any indication, you can add the widely disproved autism vaccine link to the pile of ideas Americans … Continue reading
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No Aliens Found – SETI Goes Off Line
The hunt for extraterrestrial life just lost one of its best tools. The Allen Telescope Array (ATA), a field of radio dishes in rural northern California built to seek out transmissions from distant alien civilizations, has been shuttered, at least … Continue reading
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My Flood Forecast
The Colorado River will flood this summer, Lake Powell water levels will go way up – and then the same people who are currently warning of drought will claim that they predicted the floods all along.
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Three Minutes Or Less
It took less than three minutes for me to produce this fake. It looks better than the original.
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CO2 Is Responsible For Less Than 5% Of The Greenhouse Effect In The Mid-Latitudes
I did RRTM runs for 10,000 ppm H2O/330 ppm CO2, and then again with no CO2. Downwelling LW radiation dropped by less than 5% from 353 to 336 w/m^2. Increasing CO2 to 560 ppm increased the greenhouse effect by about … Continue reading
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“there is no scientific debate about global climate change. It’s happening”
Global warming demands action Politics aside, there is no scientific debate about global climate change. It’s happening, and coastal regions face the greatest danger in years to come. http://www.ctpost.com/
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