0.0C anomaly. In Fahrenheit that would be approximately 0.0F.
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But in Hansenius, that’s at least 5 degrees…… +5H
lol, it was nice of you to offer the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion for free!
I used my calculator.
LOL it was very funny!
Andy W would only have asked otherwise.
It was the “approximately” that made it sing.
It was a nice touch! … and saved me hundreds of hours of CPU time to figure it out myself … 😉
Wouldn’t 0°C be 32° F?
Dirk, we’re talking anomaly—— In other words how far it deviates from the mean…… so if it doesn’t deviate in F is doesn’t deviate in C.
ROFLMAO … Sorry Dirk, you just hit a funny bone with me on that one …
La Nina is still in progress in Niño 3.4 so temperatures are going to continue to go into negative anomaly for months.
I am in agreement. I think your right. A quick play with the AMSU temperature toy gives me the feeling that we are still going negative.
Steve, I disagree. I went out to the AMSU temperature toy and using AQUA channel 5, we have been below the average almost the entire month (0.40c cooler than 4/23/2010). My prediction would be a -0.16c anomaly (+/- 0.02c). Every channel is showing an average of 0.40c cooler than last year, and approx. 0.15c cooler through almost the entire month thus far. I think the anomaly is going more negative than it is presently (-0.10c). Should be fun to see. 😉