No Correlation Between Global Dec-Feb Temperatures And Snow Cover

Latitude suggested that I try this. The plot below shows Rutgers winter (Dec-Feb) snow cover vs. UAH global Dec-Feb temperatures.

As you can see, there is no correlation. Snowy winters are just as likely during global warm winters and cold winters. Winter 2009-2010 was El Nino and was very snowy. Winter 2010-2011 was La Nina and was very snowy.

However, there is a very strong correlation between mid-latitude NH cold and snow. Unfortunately RSS has not updated their data, and I can’t plot this out yet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to No Correlation Between Global Dec-Feb Temperatures And Snow Cover

  1. omnologos says:

    Come on! No linear interpolation? Shame on you!!

  2. glacierman says:

    You just need the right code. Hey I know. Let’s ask Mikey. Yea, he can write the code that will give the desired shape. See, cause and effect proven by modeling. That was easy.

    • Scott says:


      MM only knows how to write code that generates hockey sticks, and that’s not the desired shape here.


  3. Latitude says:

    but but butbutubut….

    They said that global warming was making it warmer and warmer made more snow….

  4. suyts says:

    lol great job guys! That’s some good butt hurt dealt to the blathering heads that call themselves scientists.

  5. Scott says:

    Any chance you could make those points bigger/bolder? They’re pretty hard to see.


  6. Latitude says:

    I just noticed that it does not snow at all at a+0.35C….. 😀

  7. Lance says:

    you guys are blind, i see a hockey stick in there….just image…

  8. Scott says:

    Steve – plot looks better, thanks.

    Here’s a funny thought…what if we fit the data to a 2nd order polynomial? It almost looks like it would have a bottom out near 0 to +0.1 C anomaly…going up at the extremes.

    Isn’t that proof that the average climate is “perfect” and either colder or warmer is more snow? (yes, sarcasm)


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