Puffington Host Promoting Terrorism


About Tony Heller

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24 Responses to Puffington Host Promoting Terrorism

  1. Tony Duncan says:

    Steve, What Article is that? Surely you are not accusing the Huffpost of supporting terrorism because one of their commenters said something like this?
    I don’t know if you have read any right leaning blogs, but I see these sort of comments in them very often. Are you ready to paint Human Events or Red State with the same brush?
    I wonder if any commenter on this site has ever suggested taking out the corrupt scientists or the lovable Mr Gore or Soros.

  2. Dave N says:

    I thought Andrew’s comment might be tongue-in-cheek, but then I read some of his others.

  3. PuffHo' says:

    I prefer “PuffHo'”. “Ho'” having the meaning implicit in ‘lyrics’ used by African-American rappers.

    Poor Ariana. Having to rescue AOL as well.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    There are serious nut cases out there They should not be completely dismissed, as we learned in Tucson.

  5. gofer says:

    I read conservative blogs constantly and have never read anything that remotely comes close to this craziness. It all boils down to they hate rich people and anybody that’s successful if they don’t fit their mold. One thing is clear, they do not understand the Greenhouse Gas Theory.

    This is HuffyPo:
    Climate is not weather. Climate causes weather…BAD weather, more frequent bad weather and more intense bad weather. Bad weather would go away if we stopped using oil and gas. It would be Utopia with everybody having “green jobs” and riding their unicorns to work. Rich people and corps are using all our resources and there won’t be any for left for the children. We are all going to die because of bad weather caused by rich people’s greed. Conservatives are ignorant, bad and greedy.

    They are delusional as witnessed by the comment that “fossil fuels have done more to damage the economy and society than….” You can’t get farther out than that. If not for fossil fuels, we would be living in poverty and misery, neck deep in horse c**p.

    • Tony Duncan says:


      you obviously don;t read the good conservative websites.
      And I imagine there are some 15 year old granddaughters of hippies who still live in a commune somewhere that believe what you just wrote.
      I certainly know ideologues who believe Capitalism= BAD, and some of them are almost as bad as the ideologues who believe government=BAD. it is all part of being insecure about ones core beliefs so you have to protect ALL your beliefs from reality. Can;t change an opinion because that means the bad guys are right. Happens on both left and right. I see it worse on the right. Certainly about climate issues I see the posts and comments on denier sites MUCH more absolute, although both sides attribute false beliefs to the other side.
      On this site there is absolutely NO skepticism about any position as long as it opposes ACC. that makes criticism easy because there needs to be no rational measure of reality, just attack the hated enemy, and whatever you say is accepted.

      • Al Gored says:

        Well Tony, I have yet to see a site where the posters were as rabid and dense as Huffpo, and if they are screaming the correct message it gets posted. If it isn’t one of the little Stalinist moderators censors it quick.

        Its the equivalent of a screaming mob, and they clones all reinforce themselves with little favourite logos and other silly medals.

        And this is the site Barry Soetero – Rev Wright’s boy – thinks is something people should read… which tells us all we ever needed to know about that dubious character.

      • suyts says:

        lol, almost Tony, but not quite.

        First, “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”— Thomas Paine

        He was considered a radical, but I think in retrospect, he knew a bit about what he was talking about.

        Then, of course, “The Government that governs least governs best.”—— Thomas Jefferson stated as much, but many more echoed the same sentiments. These people are not considered radicals.

        Government and Capitalism are not equal and opposite. Limits on government are clearly AWOL. Limits on capitalism are clearly over-zealously and selectively enforced.

        Secondly, you’re misunderstanding the dynamics here. Because some things pass without comment doesn’t mean they are accepted. And there are times when comments are made to change the direction of the thread. While I can’t speak for anybody else here, I suspect that this is the case for many. I invoke two principles towards this end. The first is the teaching of Paul. To paraphrase, don’t be a stumbling block. Paul was speaking towards Christians, but the principle can be applied elsewhere. The second is Reagan’s rule. Don’t speak ill of fellow conservatives. Again, the same principle can be applied here. It is quite clear that I would be an antagonist to many in the skeptical camp were the prominent issue not climate. I’m certain many others feel the same way. It is a beautiful thing to witness such a diverse group of people united against a common cause. As an aside, I once engaged in a heated disagreement with a fellow (and very bright) skeptic. I’ve regretted it ever since.

      • Justa Joe says:

        Deranged lefties could make death threats all day long, and good ol’ Tony will find a way to project blame on his political enemies i.e. conservatives and “deniers.”

      • Tony Duncan says:


        Actually one of the few things you CAN’Gt blame on Bush was lack of civility. Cheney on the other hand…

  6. PhilJourdan says:

    Tony Duncan says:
    April 19, 2011 at 10:03 pm

    I cannot speak for gofer, but I can assure you I do read conservative sites. And I have yet to find what you speak of. It seems more of a projection on your part than any factual revelation. In other words, you have to accuse the other side of your sins in order to justify your actions. A classic non-starter in any debate, but frequently used on the left.

    As for Goverment=BAD, name one thing, not specified by the founders in the constitution, that the government has cone GOOD. You would be hard pressed to find any (not saying you cannot, just that they are not easy to find). While the opposite – what it has done BAD, is rife and easy to ennumerate for the simple reason that government is inherently BAD. A necessary evil.

    • Tony Duncan says:

      “Name one thing the government has done good.” I really love how ideologues can be so caught up in their fantasies that they can create a world where their most bizarre ideas can be always true.
      Let’s see. My father was run over by a taxi 2 years ago. Medicare and Medicaid have both been extraordinarily helpful in 95% of my dealigns with them. The private nursing services I have dealt with however, have done boneheaded things so often and it has cost me literally hundreds of hours, as well as the help of numerous friends and family to clear up the screw-ups they have made. They cost my father thousands of dollars because the social worker at the rehab center he was in did not explain a crucial limitation of medicare. I had to take off three months of work to take care of him because of that as well. Medicare on the other hand, as SOON as they found out about the problem was immediately helpful and provided the resources we needed to get him in the proper program. 8 months later, the nursing service transferred the woman in charge of my fathers case and forgot to process my fathers recertification for medicaid. When WE did all the work they were supposed to do in 2 days, they got NO receipt of submission for his recert and I had to file an appeal to Medicaid because they had no record of it. We had TWO hearings with medicaid where the judge went out of his way to protect my fathers necessary care,when he had no legal need to do so, and the private company did not supply the necessary information until the second hearing. There were some good things about the private care and some bad things about the government service, but Government got a solid A- while private got a solid D (Not an F just because I am a rather forgiving person).
      I am sure you will find some rationalization to continue your belief that all services not specified in the constitution are bad. I guess the constitution imparts some magical quality to sanctified government service that makes it immune to bureaucracy.

      • PhilJourdan says:

        Ah, I see. So you are also of the camp that believes the ends justify the means. Another non-revelation to me, but it is good that you put it on paper. So Medicare and Medicaid is good because it did good for one person, ignoring the mountains of mismanagement, fraud, abuse, and outright incompetance that has caused the deaths of many others, and the squandering of money that rightfully does not belong to them (or you or me in singular).

        I did not say you would find “none”, I merely stated that the bad far outweighed the good. TO get your good, the government has had to enslave many people. That private nursing home you speak of? They never jailed me for anything. That government speaking so softly while squandering billions/trillions of dollars has. I can see where they bought a vote, but that does not make them any less “bad”, only able to buy votes.

        As for ideologues, those 3 fingers are the majority and pointing at you. I am not an ideologue unless you now aver that people who respect and follow the constitution, give to their fellow man out of generosity, and just want to live our lives – with the inherant risks associated with life and freedom – to be an ideologue. That freedom also includes not caring what you do with your life as that is YOUR freedom.

        Yea, I guess that makes me an evil radical.

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