Ocean temperatures around Greenland have collapsed over the last three months.
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Yikes!! .. I don’t like this .. please make it stop! … I HATE COLD!!!
Why isn’t the water along Antarctica being show as broiling hot? Isn’t that ice cap suppposed to be in dire jeapardy?
the reason why the temp. drop around Greenland can be explained quite easily. All the ice fell off and it’s in the ocean cooling it off. Its why we have a hockey stick for sea level rise!
can we say natural cycles? NOOOOO…..
Looks like Greenland might have had some of that 30mm sea level drop for a nice long drink.
Volcano Deep Down Could Be Melting Greenland’s Ice
A thin spot in the Earth’s crust is enabling underground magma to melt Greenland’s ice, scientists at the Ohio State University feel. According to them, the …
Haven’t vetted the source . . . but maybe the magma has moved or played itself out.
I remember when there were swamp monsters, until “we” found out about methane bubblin’ up. . .
Good choice of words there… the warmists are always talking about something “Collapsing”. They usually say “The Arctic is collapsing” ….whatever that means.
I hope we gain significantly this year…