Suzuki Can’t Take A Hint From Nature

Dr. David Suzuki: I do despair. My wife and I huddle at night and weep for our helplessness. We are losing big-time and I’m enough of a scientist to see we are heading right down the tube. Judging by the past twenty years, we are going backward.

Dr. David Suzuki: My children and grandchildren. What gives me hope is that we don’t know enough to say it’s too late. The most valued salmon species is sockeye salmon and the largest run in the world is the Fraser River run in British Columbia, Canada. Over the past century, good runs were of the order of 25 to 35 million fish. Two years ago, just over a million sockeye returned and I figured “That’s it. The run is done.” A year later we got the biggest run in 100 years – 35 million! No one knows what the hell happened, but it shows nature has surprises up her sleeve and maybe, if we can pull back and give her a chance, she will reveal some wonderful surprises like the Fraser Sockeye.

h/t to Marc Morano and Tom Nelson

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Suzuki Can’t Take A Hint From Nature

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Dr. David Suzuki: “I do despair. My wife and I huddle at night and weep for our helplessness.”

    So why does he receive funding from petroleum companies???

  2. I was in Canada recently when TV channels aired Suzuki’s movie (he is Canada’s Al Gore). I happened to see 5 minutes of it – he related that when the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima everything was sterilized – but then to scientists’ amazement everything started growing back because nature is so resilient! But now there’s global warming – which he said is much worse – and nothing will survive if we don’t change our ways (or aas Holdren says “de-develop”). This moron is highly respected in Canada, and is promoted by the national network CBC.

    He is prone to mis-representing the truth (or lying), see:

  3. Lance says:

    I have no time for him. CBC and he are so far up each others….it stinks….

  4. Charles Higley says:

    Poor Suzuki must spend a lot of time crying. And he’s got his wife and kids all anxious over his demented whining and sniffling.

    It sure must be scary to be so voluntarily ignorant and clueless.

  5. Robert Austin says:

    Suzuki was super intelligent at one time but evidently, in some teleporter experiment, his genes got mixed with those of a fruit fly. He hasn’t been right (sane or correct) since. Fortunately, Canada has McIntyre and McKitrick to balance the scales of mortification.

  6. 3x2 says:

    “Over the past century, good runs were of the order of 25 to 35 million fish. Two years ago, just over a million sockeye returned and I figured “That’s it. The run is done.” A year later we got the biggest run in 100 years – 35 million! No one knows what the hell happened”

    Just wondering if next years Olympics will include “jumping to premature conclusions”. There should be no shortage of competitors.

    Thinking about it, perhaps there should be an Olympics suggestions competition!

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