USA Today Carefully Excludes Any Evidence Against Their Religious Beliefs

Climate change could spawn more tornadoes

As with any major weather disaster these days — from floods and hurricanes to wildfires and this week’s tornado outbreak in the South — people ask questions about its relation to the huge elephant that’s lurking in the corner, global climate change.

Two separate studies in 2007 reported that global warming could bring a dramatic increase in the frequency of weather conditions that feed severe thunderstorms and tornadoes by the end of the 21st century.

Never mind that severe tornadoes have decreased and that NOAA says that tornadoes have nothing to do with climate change. We live in an age of superstition.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to USA Today Carefully Excludes Any Evidence Against Their Religious Beliefs

  1. Sundance says:

    I’ll bet they are getting ad revenue $$$ from apple/Gord.

    Steve might I offer a suggestion for a segment called “Eco Puke Alert!” (clever letters eh?)? It could feature something like this:

  2. PearlandAggie says:

    Besides, aren’t active tornado seasons well-correlated with La Nina?

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