College Professor Messing With Young People’s Minds

Warning – this person is highly annoying


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to College Professor Messing With Young People’s Minds

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    He sees it as an opportunity….Ahhhh, I see.

  2. bubbagyro says:

    In a similar vein:

    University of Virginia erosion of relevance and credibility continues to accelerate

    UVA continues to devaluate as a credible institution. In addition to other transgressions including the stonewalling of FOIA investigations by AG Cuccinelli, recently a false article in the UVA Law School newsletter libeled the police department with a made-up story about police brutality. The perpetrator was not censured or prosecuted for the false libelous reporting.

    UVA, like so many previously distinguished educational institutions, continues the inexorable “circling of the drain”. Can we set these centers of “higher” education back on track? Or is it too late?

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