
I am not fond of conspiracy theories, but if I were inclined to latch on to one it would be the way we raise industrial meat. We have been pumping children for three generations full of estrogen added milk and meat – since they were babies. The result is a population which no longer exhibits much in the way of male characteristics. Much easier to control that way.

Rebecca Black was described as the “girl version of Justin Bieber.” She tweeted “I thought Justin Bieber was the girl version of Justin Bieber.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Conspiracy?

  1. omnologos says:

    This post to be filed under “Goddard on his way to crankiness” – no worries Steven it’ll happen to us all

  2. Sundance says:

    We will know the Holocene is over and the “Estrogencene” Era has begun when in the future, the USA Navy Seal Team trains like this:

  3. mkelly says:

    When you can’t say things like “Bring it on”, cowboy diplomacy is looked down on and John Wayne is no longer regarded as valid role model as way to comport yourself then you know the sissification of a nation has taken place.

  4. PhilJourdan says:

    I got to agree with Rebecca Black! Her quote is worth keeping!

  5. In the world outside of civilization “male characteristics” consists mainly of killing each other for the first shot at the female. I’m not sure you’ll get a lot of takers.

    Females and their choices of mates* is probably the primary factor in our current emasculated world.

    * in the “impregnation” sense, rather than the “marriage” sense.

  6. Latitude says:

    You forgot about all the Phytoestrogens in our drinking water…..

    ….I’m wearing a D pushup

    • Baa Humbug says:

      Sundance has a clip above showing the effects of MONTY PHYTOESTROGENS

    • It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

      The chemicals and hormones given to chickens to make the breasts bigger could be the reason why young girls in America begin growing breasts sooner and men also get minor side effects in their chest. Also, the behemoth that is medicare is a serous problem in America. Why do your elderly need to continually be on 5 to 12 prescription drugs? This is a very expensive burden on your future. America has problems with drugs that it is unaware it has. There was a time when humans weren’t on any of these drugs. It is a recent phenomenon that American humans have developed this mental dependency on pharmaceuticals. Can you imagine the reaction of the average person in the US if you told them this dependence is psychosomatic and not real? There would be more ridicule of that than the ridicule skeptics get over global warming. The dependence is a Pavlovian conditioning from doctors. So sad for America.

  7. Ummm No hormones pumped into British meat, or even the Frenchies’ steak haché and I’m not sure that we are much more macho than you now.

  8. It's always Marcia, Marcia says:

    Masculine women and feminine men. Rome also had this issue near the end of it reign.

  9. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    She tweeted “I thought Justin Bieber was the girl version of Justin Bieber.“


  10. NikFromNYC says:

    The anti-fat campaign also has led to obesity in kids via ingestion of grains minus much exercise. Fat cells are estrogenic.

  11. Tory says:

    What’s wrong with my last comment? Blimey, all the traffic I send to this site, and I can’t even get well-meaning, educational comments through.

  12. Conspiracy is another word for being alert and questioning. The establishment ridicule it and it works.

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