Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

George Bush Jr. was the driving force behind the US taking out Saddam’s regime and the Taliban. He brought the reality that democracy is possible to much of the Muslim world. And he was responsible for the fact that Osama died a decrepit, nearly invisible old man – who hadn’t left the house for five years and was reduced to complaining about global warming in his last message.

What exactly did Obama do, besides take credit and interrupt Trump’s show?

Bush sets sights on Mid-East freedom
By Marian Wilkinson, Herald Correspondent in Washington and agencies
November 7, 2003

Under pressure over the rising insurgency in Iraq, President George Bush is calling on Americans to support a new vision of “freedom” in the Middle East that makes a break with six decades of US policy of supporting autocratic regimes.

Mr Bush’s National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, said that in a speech Mr Bush was to make yesterday he would promote “the new opportunity for a forward strategy for freedom in the Middle East”.

His call is being compared with president Ronald Reagan’s appeal to eastern Europe in 1983 to abandon communism.

Dr Rice said: “After 60 years of trying to find stability through regimes that were not devoted to political liberty for their people, what we found is that we did not buy security of stability but rather frustration and pent-up emotions in a region that has fallen behind in terms of prosperity and in fact continues to produce ideologies of hatred.”

Mr Bush was due to deliver his speech to mark the 20th anniversary of the National Endowment for Democracy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Much of what you say has merit. Democrats will say, however that 9/11 was on Bush’s watch and the killing of bin Laden was on Obama’s watch 2+ years after Bush was long gone.

    As far as democracy in the Mideast is concerned, it’s great in prinicipal, but will it work in our favor over the long haul? Remember, Hitler was democratically elected to power and most German people thought he was a miracle worker during his first several years in power. We might not be very happy about the results of democratic elections in some of these countries.

    • Exactly. Bush suffered from Clinton’s malfeasance and Obama did nothing except come after Bush.

      • Jimbo says:

        Careful Steve, don’t give ammunition to your enemies.

        See “Alec Station”

        I give credit to the secret services, Bush and Obama for finding Osama. Obama would be Osamaless without Bush and and secret services. Credit to all!!!

      • Jimash says:

        “I’m talking about the Bush that “was the driving force behind the US taking out Saddam?s regime and the Taliban. He brought the reality that democracy is possible to much of the Muslim world. And he was responsible for the fact that Osama died a decrepit, nearly invisible old man ? who hadn?t left the house for five years and was reduced to complaining about global warming in his last message.””

        I liked that Bush. Credit where credit is due indeed. People portray him as some monster.
        It’s just silly.

    • Tony Duncan says:


      Hitler was not democratically elected to power. He did not get more than 35% of the vote until after he had been chancellor for awhile. One reading of Hitler’s ascendency is that the communist party (at least 15-20% of seats in Bundestag) did not oppose him, because the prevailing theory was that if Hitler got into power, the working class would see the evil face of capitalism and it would spark a revolution, and this time there would be the proper institutional support that was not there when the 1919 revolution failed.

      And Steve are you talking about the Bush that liked to hold hands with Saudi princes and talked about what great allies they were?

      • I’m talking about the Bush that “was the driving force behind the US taking out Saddam?s regime and the Taliban. He brought the reality that democracy is possible to much of the Muslim world. And he was responsible for the fact that Osama died a decrepit, nearly invisible old man ? who hadn?t left the house for five years and was reduced to complaining about global warming in his last message.”

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        Tony Duncan

        Something that one can count on is you will always be unbiased.


      • Tony Duncan says:


        you are free to contradict me with different facts. The truth is that Hitler was not elected by the people. He was chosen chancellor. As I said though he did NOT have to be accepted by the Reichstag. Even AFTER Hitler was given almost total control with the Reichstag fire and had put much of the opposition social democrat communist and other left parties in concentration camps or killed, and the SA engaged in massive voter intimidation and the shutting down of the free press, the nazis still only got 44%. In fact over 10 million people voted for the banned communist and social democratic parties.

        As for Bush and supporting democracy, he did a great job in securing rights for our military in those bastions of democracy, like Kazakstan and Uzbekistan, and a number of other countries who used the “fight against terrorism” to kill, jail and intimidate people advocating for democracy. What exactly did Bush do to demand democracy in the middle east?

        So these people waited 8 years after seeing the remarkable utopia of new democratic Iraq and decided that Bush would inspire them now. What a romantic tale. makes one a little misty eyed

  2. TinyCO2 says:

    Don’t all political parties everywhere do this? Claim the good stuff as their own work and blame the previous administration for the disasters.

    I work by the code that also applies to lawyers (a career that many of them start with) – How do we know that politicians are lying? Their mouths are open.

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    interrupt Trump’s show…..

    Barrack Obama took his mics,
    and gave to Palin 40 strikes

    And when he saw what Trump had done
    he quid pro quo with 41

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Hitler did achieve power thru a legitimate democratic election in 1933. Winners of democratic elections do not always get close to 50%. Lincoln did not in 1860, nor did Clinton in 1992.

    Forming a coalition government is common in parlimentary systems like the UK and obviously considered legitimate and democratic.

    Of course, after assuming power Hitler obviouly rigged the system in his favor and won future elections by 99.9%.

    • Tony Duncan says:


      read my above comment. the majority of the reichstag deputies opposed hitler vehemently. Even the nationalist party was upset that he had replaced them as the right wing party, and the Catholic party tolerated the Nazi’s because they were so anti-communist. Hitler was never elected. he was appointed in a system where that did not have to happen.

  5. Traitor in Chief says:

    “What else did Obama do?” ……. hmmmm. Score par on the back nine that day?

  6. Tony Duncan says:


    Not sure, but they certainly found good use for their “enemy combatant” statutes and “enhanced interrogation techniques”. Amazing how many people will admit to being communists when they are tearing out your finger nails or about to rape and shoot your wife. Of course they cleaned up the SA first by executing anyone that was a threat to Hitler or not thought sufficiently loyal.

  7. Andy Weiss says:


    I researched this subject about Hitler being democratically elected. The truth seems to be somewhere in the middle. Hitler originally came to power by forging a coalition, which is legal under the German constitution, but the coalition in part was formed by bullying and intimidation on the part of his followers.

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